Chapter 8 - Goner

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Can We just take a moment to appreciate how beautiful she is?!😂😍😱

And yay! I finally updated!!!

Warning - Cliff hanger ahead! I might try to do cliffhangers for most of my chapters so beware☺️



"Carl!" I said to the boy that stomped away from me in the early morning hours. He continued to walk away with such rage in him, while I on the other hand, trailed behind him in his footsteps.

"Carl, would you just-" Carl had cut me off. He spinned around to come face to face to me while rolling his eyes continuously.

"Fine! I answered you Ava. Happy?" Carl moaned from annoyance of my actions. I froze at his statement as he took a big step towards to try to imitate me.

I took a breath as I clenched my fists tightly together to try and clam myself down. I don't know why this boy always pushed me off of the edge. It's not like I did anything to him.

"What even was that?" Carl exclaimed loudly as he pointed to the direction the library was in.

"I-I don't know!! But you know those kids need to know how to survive..." I said taking a step closer to Carl to make sure he heard the words I meant. He grunted in frustration, but kept his thoughts to himself. I looked around as I knew we both tried to avoid eye contact with each other.

"Are you going to tell your Dad?" I asked the boy that stood in front of me. I waited as his head that had the sheriff boy hat stood straight up. Until his bright, crystal, blue orbs met my dark, chocolate brown ones.

"Of course I am. I'm not going to lie to him." Carl mumbled as we stood in an awkward silence together until I finally spoke up.

"You know... What I said was right. And I know you know that." I said to Carl. I tried to make a reasonable conversation due to the fact that he was the son of Rick, who was the leader. He told people where to go, what to do, and how to. Everyone just listened because they knew he was right, but that doesn't mean Carl is.

"But how do -"

"It's because I know you Carl. It's not all bright rainbows anymore. All there is now is death at every corner!" I said raising my voice while expanding my arms out with motions. I noticed my eyes began to water up a little for the fact I hated arguing.

Carl seemed to notice because he placed his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it lightly.

"I-I'm sorry..." Carl whispered as his eyes slowly softened.

"It's fine..." I lied through my words as I knew deep inside I should've said more. There was a high chance of Carol being kicked out of the group. And I hated it. I knew what Rick was capable of.

Then again, we stood in dead silence.

"We're going on a run today. My Dad was going to ask you to come, but I guess I could've asked you instead." Carl said as he smiled slightly to try and brighten up the mood between us.

"That'd be nice... Let me go grab my stuff quickly." I said as I pointed to the direction my cell was. I turned around, leaving the boy behind as I went up the stairs then to my cell.

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