Entry #1

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I look at the first page. "I can't believe it that's.... a drawing of me and (Y/n)!" I look at the drawing shocked and confused. A small smile soon appears on my face. "She must of drawn this" I whisper to myself admiring the beautiful drawing before me. "I wonder.... what did you put on the next page" I flip the page and see some writing in cursive. "Well looks like I'm going to be reading something after all" I chuckle to myself and begin to read.

Dear Malachi,

I honestly don't know if you're ever going to get this but I am determined to get it to you even if I die in the process. Of course I won't but, it is still a possibility I would be willing to take if it meant giving you this. Well it's probably been like 2 years since I saw you in your time but here in the Irene Dimension it's been 2 minutes. Malachi I'm losing hope. The way I bring it back is thinking of what you're doing right now. I think of your future a lot to like what I hope it will be. I hope that your future goes a little bit like this. First you get found and join their family. Next you become human again.Then I hope you grow up like a normal kid should, and finally when you're old enough you fall in love and get married, possibly you even have a few kids. These are my hopes and wishes for your future. Who am I kidding of course your life is going to end up like that Malachi. Your are a wonderful person and deserve a second chance at life. When you get this you'll probably be like really old, but you won't be old at the same time, you know? Anyways I'll keep both of your promises close to my heart. Farwell Malachi, may we meet again someday. Hopefully.

With lots of love,


I sat there on my bed shocked at what I had just read. "She... she want's me to have so much, but what about her? She deserves everything as much as I do. Why (Y/n)? Why don't you wish to have all of that in your future too?"

AN: Okay so this doesn't have as many words as the prologue does. This chapter only has 374 words while the prologue has 1,382 words. So.... should I continue? Or not? I don't know leave a comment and let me know how I'm doing.

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