Entry #3

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*(Y/n) POV*

I smile at Malachi as he tucks me into bed. "Are you gonna leave me?" I look at Malachi with tired eyes, he smiles gently and shakes his head. "No, I'm going to stay here for now, but when you go to sleep. I'll have to leave because I need to comfort my mother." Malachi gets up and goes over to the book I had given him. "Have you read all of it?" I look at him and he shakes his head no. "I don't have much time alone to read it...... Do you want me to read it to you?" He smiles gently at me. I giggle "Sure, It'll be like a bedtime story." He opens the book and sits back down in the chair he turns it to the third page. He begins reading looking at me every once in awhile.

Dear Malachi,

I have nothing to do here like seriously it's only been 2 minutes and I'm bored out of my mind... but that's what I get for being weak and needed to be protected all of the time... I hope Irene is okay sorry if I'm all over the place with this... I just have a lot on my mind... such as if you have a new friend maybe even a family... or a.... a girlfriend. I mean sure we use to say that we'd marry each other when we were younger but with the situation at hand..... I am sitting here wondering if the promise is still being kept... I mean I hope you use it as a way to keep me close to your heart but I also hope you move on.... if that makes sense..... Anyway I'm just going to go now.... bye Malachi....

Love, (Y/f/n)

 I close my eyes and smile to myself. "I'm not weak anymore...." I feel him put the book down and grab my hand gently. "No you're not" and with that said I slowly fall asleep.

AN: I'm so sorry for not updating until now I know I'm a terrible person and I have no reason to have such incredible readers like all of you.... but if you have stuck with me through everything I want to thank you.... I am going to try and update more often for everyone.... I'm planning to make a calendar where I can update once a week.... but yeah I guess we'll see where that goes... Okay thanks everyone of you beautiful people for wasting some of your time on me bye


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