Garroth's fault

688 18 4

(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up and see that I'm still on the floor. When I look over at Garroth. I put my hand on my head as it starts to pound. "Ouch" I whisper to myself. I slowly start to get up but someone's foot pushes me back down to the ground. I look to see Lillian smirking as she puts pressure on my stomach. She starts to taunt me. I try to remain calm and luckily I succeeded. When she sees that I didn't react she growls and grabs my hair, She moves her foot off of my stomach and yanks me off of the ground. Only for her to throw me into a nearby wall.

I try to get up but she kicks me in the back. I wince in pain. A bright light flashes and I see a man with black hair block Zane's sword. It turns out that while I wasn't watching he got Garroth on the ground and was about to stab him. I quickly look back at Lillian and see that she's distracted by the commotion with Zane. I take this as my chance to get up. I grab my sword and use the hilt of it to knock her out. I grab her foot and start to drag her over to the portal. Once I get there Zane and the other guy had left my sister's dimension. Garroth helps me toss Lillian into the portal. I look over at Garroth and smile. "Thanks" he smiles back. I stand there waiting for him to leave but when he doesn't I start to get annoyed. "Well aren't you going to go in and leave?" I ask trying to not sound as annoyed as I felt. "Well what about you?"he looks at me concern written on his face.

"Garroth I've been here for like ever... It's my home..." I look at the ground trying not to cry. 'He doesn't understand... I want to leave but... I promised Irene that I'd stay here... No matter what...' He grabs my arm and throws me into the portal. My eyes widen I see where I am. "I... I'm finally back, I can't believe it..." I laugh in excitement but then frown. "I'm not supposed to be here" I look at the portal and then at Garroth, happy that he's distracted. I start to crawl towards the portal but stop suddenly in my tracks. I watch in pure shock as a bright light washes over the area. When the light fades I hear a ringing sound. I look at where the portal was and cry. I'm never going back and it's ALL GARROTH'S FAULT. "GARROTH HOW COULD YOU, DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE. I CAN NEVER FACE MY SISTER NOW, AND IS ALL YOUR FAULT." I sit on the ground sobbing when I hear footsteps running towards us. I look up and state at her in shock. 'it can't be... You're dead.'

AN: Okay I finally was able to update and I got a new tablet soooooo it should be easier for me to write. I think I'm going to stick with the one update every two weeks. I'm sorry guys but it's a lot of pressure to write a good chapter in only 7 days. So yeah.... anyway hope you enjoy. :)


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