"Flare,Flare Ryder"

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Helllllllllllllooooooooo everybody!!! Sorry for the long wait, but tests are around the corner for me, but I did it!

And Hiccup's name has been decided! It's the title. The other names made a slight cameo though so look out!

Read on!



Berk, one week later,Sunrise

-Hofferson Home-







The youngest of the hofferson family flinched at the stern sound of her mothers voice.

They were currently with the stranger, who was taken to their home earlier that morning, when it was still slightly dark. And while he healed slightly, he had much to go, and he could walk yes, but slowly. The two Hoffersons took the man to one of their spare rooms, and made him sit on the edge off the bed, in order to change the bandages. His satchel sat on the table, where a bowl of water and cloth rested.

Hala sighed,"Please stop poking the bandages." She shot Suta a stern glare.

Suta merely grinned sheepishly, looking at her mother than the man. "Sorry mama,and I'm sorry Mister."

The man merely smiled. "It's okay Suta. You're just curious,it's natural". Then he grunted as Hala tightened the bandages around his torso.

"Then what happened to you sir? Bandages tell me bad things." Suta asked, tilting her head and making several of her blonde bangs fall in front of her eyes. With a huff, she blew them out of her eyes.

"Well, uh," the strangers eye glanced behind him, asking Hala silently if it was okay to talk about it. Hala gave him a slight nod, busying herself with several liquids that were to be mixed and placed on his damged eye."I was hurt by,a-uh,man who wasn't really nice."

"Really? Did it hurt?" Suta asked,her sky blue eyes sympathetic, and filled with worry.

The man grimaced,"It did hurt,but now it doesn't hurt much,and it's all thanks to your mother".He shot her a smile, making Suta mirror it. Hala smiled softly from behind him.

"Mama, can I help?" Suta asked, looking at the vials in Hala's hand, and the bowl.

"Yes you can dear,"- Suta's face brightened-"by going downstairs and grabbing more bandages",her face fell, and she pouted causing Hala to chuckle,"go on."

With a sigh, Suta left the room to get more bandages.

"You have a great daughter." the man said, smiling.

"Thank you um..." Hala paused, waiting for him to fill in his name.

"Oh right, I haven't told you my name right?" Hala shook her head."In that case my name is Flare.Flare Ryder."

"Good name." Hala said, mixing the liquids.


Small footsteps made its way back to the room.Suta gave the several rolls of bandages to her mother and stood near the doorway.

"Mama, is big sis coming back soon?" Suta asked curiously, looking at Hala.

"Yes dear,she'll probably be here any moment. Go on and wait downstairs, I'm just about done here." Hala said, unrolling the bandages Suta had retrieved.

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