Chapter 6

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Percy gently shook me awake the next morning. "Annabeth," I heard him say. "Come on, we gotta go to school."

I groaned quietly, stuffing my face into Percy's pillow.

"Annabeth," sighed Percy. "Please, it's seven forty-five. We have to be at school in fifteen minutes." Groaning again, I sat up and rubbed my eyes lazily. Percy chuckled. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."

I glared at him and got out of his bed. I used the bathroom quickly, and when I came back out, Percy was still standing in his room. "Hey," he said, blushing, "um, we probably don't have time to go to your place, so I, uh, did you want a shirt or something to wear?" He didn't look me in the eyes.

I tried to hide back my grin. "Yeah, sure. Thanks."

Percy nodded and headed for the door. "You can just look through my dresser," he said as he left and closed the door behind him. I opened his drawer and looked through for a minute or so, until I found I shirt that I thought would fit me. It was a faded blue shirt that said 'GOODE SECONDARY SCHOOL' on the front, the lettering cracked and peeling. On the back, Percy's last name was printed on the bottom and the word 'CAPTAIN' was at the top. I assumed that it was for a swim team or something like that. I smiled as I put it on; it smelled like a mixture of seawater and chlorine. I put on my jeans that I wore here, and tugged on a zip-up hoodie of Percy's that was on the edge of his bed.

Once I was ready, I headed out of Percy's room and through his apartment. Percy was in the kitchen, stuffing a textbook in his backpack and half a waffle in his mouth. When he heard me walking in, he looked up and tried to smile, but I guess it was kind of difficult while holding a waffle between your teeth. He reached over the table and offered me the other half, which I kindly refused. Percy quickly swallowed down the rest of his breakfast and managed to get all his things in his bag.

"You ready?" he asked. I nodded, and we walked out of his apartment. It was a quick drive to school, and on the way there I received a text from Thalia.

Are you coming with Percy?

I typed back, hoping that Percy couldn't see my screen. Yeah. We'll be at school soon.

Percy pulled into the school parking lot at 8:03; three minutes after the first bell rang. We quickly rushed into the building together, as we only had two minutes to get to our History class.

"Since it stopped snowing, the roads will probably start clearing up soon, so-" Percy suddenly cut off from what he was saying, his head turning quickly to look at something past me.

"What is it?" I asked, following his gaze. I saw a tuff of spiky black hair, and a head of curly brown hair quickly before they turned the corner. Looks like Thalia and Grover made it here alright, I thought.

"Nothing," said Percy, though he sounded unsure. "I just thought I saw someone."

I didn't ask anymore questions, because I didn't want to give away the surprise of everyone being here. We walked into History just as the final bell rang and took our seats quickly.

This class, we talked a bit less about Greek mythology and beliefs and more about civilization of the past. I found it very interesting, but I could tell that Percy was having trouble staying awake. History ended far too early, and Percy and I split ways to go to our separate classes.

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