Chapter 18

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I smiled to myself as I entered the apartment. My lips still tingled from the kiss Percy and I shared just seconds ago.

"What are you smiling about?" Thalia asked, running her hand through her dark hair.

"Nothing... It's just... Percy," I said and sighed. Thalia slipped off her black heels.

"You're really crazy for the guy, aren't you?" Thalia asked. I shrugged.

"I guess you could say that," I replied. Thalia smirked and walked out of the room. I took off my shoes and rubbed the soles of my feet. I was never going to wear heels again.

The door of the apartment opened, and Katie and Travis walked in, smiling. They completely ignored me, and walked away. I heard a giggle, and a few seconds Katie was standing in front of me, a huge smile on her face.

"What?" I asked, smiling a bit as well.

Katie sighed, and said, "Travis." I laughed. She was acting just like me.

"What did he do?" I asked.

"He kissed me," she said, "And he said that he loves me. A lot."

"Didn't he already say that he loved you?" I asked.

"Well, yeah. But he said it again, and... Well it just made me feel so special." She sighed again and her smile grew.

"You're so lovesick. I can't believe that you two used to be enemies," I said. Katie nodded her head in agreement.

"I know," she said and yawned. "Well, I'm going to bed." We said goodnight and Katie left. My feet were so sore, I couldn't even be bothered walking upstairs and changing, so I just slept on the couch, still wearing my dress and makeup.


 "Annabeth... Annabeth wake up..." A gentle voice whispered in my ear. I ignored it and kept my eyes shut.

"You'll never wake her like that!" A louder voice said. The first person shushed the loud voice. I tried to ignore it. I heard a gasp.

"Connor, don't you dare-"

But a fist had already connected with my shoulder.

"Ow!" I yelled, opening my eyes and sitting up. I saw Connor and Katie standing in front of me.

"I told you that that would wake her up," Connor said, walking off. Katie shook her head.

"He's so annoying," she said. I rubbed my eyes.

"That's what you said about Travis before you started dating him," I said, "Maybe you'll start to like Connor now." Katie's green eyes widened and she pretended to gag.

"Absolutely not." I laughed and stood up. "Oh, Percy's here for you, by the way," she added. "You should probably go get changed."

I looked down and realized that I was still wearing my dress from the dance last night. I nodded and rushed up to my room. I stripped off the dress and quickly put on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and the hoodie that Percy gave me. I buried my nose into my shoulder. The hoodie smelled like the ocean, just like Percy. I smiled and walked to the bathroom.

I almost jumped when I saw my reflection.

I was still wearing my makeup from last night, but it was smeared all over my face. Black mascara and eyeliner was painted across my temples and forehead. You could see the places where my blush had been removed. The red from my lipstick was  on my chin so I looked like a vampire. I turned on the tap and cold water fell out. I cupped my hands and collected some water, then splashed my face. Pink and grey water swirled down the drain. Once all the makeup was washed off of my face, I quickly brushed my teeth.

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