Chapter 28

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Percy's hatred towards Miley was showing.

"Why is she still wearing those?" he asked, his voice a whisper.

"Wearing what?" I asked him.

"Those stupid contacts." I looked over at the blonde. She was wearing her contacts that she wore at her party- making her eyes an unnatural grey. Do my eyes look like that? I thought. It was obvious that she was trying to get Percy's attention. She was only standing a few feet away from us; her body was twisted so her butt and her chest were sticking out. And, gods, her clothes were disgusting. The skirt she was wearing was skin-tight and barely came past her butt; her shirt was cut off right below her boobs, and the sleeves drooped down her shoulders.

I shrugged and looked at Percy. "Do my eyes look like that?" I asked him.

Percy looked away from the other girl to me. "Your eyes are beautiful," he said with a smile.

I couldn't help but blush a little bit.

"Percy, you won't believe what she's doing this time."

Percy and I both turned around, to see Brielle standing behind us.

"Miley?" Percy asked. Brielle nodded. Percy looked behind him, then he turned back to his sister. "Well, to me it looks to me like she's trying pop her butt off of her body."

I myself turned my head to catch a glimpse of the girl, and what Percy said was true; Miley was sticking her butt out so much that it did look like she was trying to separate it from her body. I looked back around at Brielle.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

The daughter of Poseidon sighed. "She said that she was gonna try and act more like Annabeth so you would like her more."

I raised my eyebrows. "So, she's trying to be me," I said.

"Yeah, pretty much," Brielle said, looking past me. "Crap, she's coming."

I heard the click-clacking of her high-heels before I saw her. Then, I was being shoved aside.

I looked to my right and saw a monster with blonde hair (also known as Miley) holding onto Percy's arm.

Brielle and I exchanged a look, then I turned my gaze to Percy. He had a help me look in his eyes.

I cleared my throat loudly. Miley turned and looked at me, but she kept hold of my boyfriend's arm.

"Yes? Can I help you?" she asked.

"Yeah, actually. That's my boyfriend, in case you haven't noticed. Or are you too stupid to tell two boys apart?" I asked.

I caught Brielle smiling, but she quickly covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

Miley glared at me with her stupid grey contact lenses. I held her gaze with equal glare.

Finally, she was the one who turned away.

"Come on, Brielle," she muttered and started to pull her 'friend' away. I heard her say to Brielle, "What are you smiling about?" as they walked off.

I looked back at Percy with a sad smile.

"She is so desperate," he said.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yeah," I said. So you better not leave me for her.

"Don't worry, I would never leave you," Percy said, snaking his arms around my waist. "I love you."

I looked up at Percy, my cheeks flushing. "I said that out loud?"

Percy smiled and nodded. He kissed my nose. At that moment, the bell rang, indicating that school was starting.

"Come on," I said to Percy. I moved my hands from his neck and laced my fingers through his. "We have to get to class."

"Wait," Percy said. "I wanna do something."

"Okay," I told him, waiting for him to do it. "Well?" I asked after a while.

"Just wait. I want everyone to be gone."

I arched my eyebrows, but we stayed standing until everyone was in the school and we were standing alone.

I was about to turn to Percy and ask him what he wanted to do, when he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, pressing my back to his chest.

"Percy...?" I started.

I felt his lips graze my cheek; a shiver shot through my body. He brushed his lips from my cheek to my neck, and I could imagine him smirking.

"What are you doing?" I asked. I had meant it to come out serious, but for some reason I giggled.

Percy didn't answer- he just kept brushing his soft lips against my skin. Eventually, he raised his mouth to my ear, like he was going to say something to me, but he just took my earlobe between his teeth and bit it ever so gently.

I couldn't stop giggling. "What the Hades are you doing?" I asked him, spinning around.

"I was trying to be romantic!" Percy complained. "And you ruined it!"

"Yeah, because eating my ear is totally romantic," I said.

Percy rolled his eyes and pressed me closer to him. "But you gotta admit, everything else was pretty good."

I shrugged.

"Come on!" Percy squeezed me in his arms. "You were totally loving it!"

I blushed, but I laughed. "Okay, okay, let's say that I... I mildly enjoyed it a lot."

Percy smilied down at me.

I kissed his cheek.

"Now, come on. We really need to get to class."

Percy groaned, but I dragged him to class.


I don't even know why I wrote that last part. Oh gods it's so bad but I kinda liked writing it ;)

Hope you liked it even though it was really short :)

Annabeth at Goode[EDITING]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ