Chapter 30

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Everyone was still in shock from Miley's attack on Brielle.

It was about five minutes later when people started to clear out of the hallway. I walked over to Brielle, who was still sitting on the floor with Connor.

"Hey," I said, crouching down beside her. "Are you okay?"

Brielle brushed some of her dark hair out of her face and smiled weakly. "Yeah. Not too much damage."

She didn't look horrible. But her bottom lip was bleeding and there was a red mark on her cheek.

"Oh, gods, Brielle," Percy said, coming up behind me. "Do you want anythi-"

"Percy." Brielle held up her hand, shutting Percy up. "I'm fine. Really. Do I honestly look that bad?"

Percy opened his mouth, but Brielle beat him to it.

"Actually, just pretend that I didn't say that." She put her hands on the floor and pushed herself up to her feet. She raised her hand and wiped some blood away from her mouth.

"I'll go get you some ambrosia," Connor said, turning away.

"Connor, I don't need-" But the son of Hermes was already too far away. "Connor!" Brielle started to chase after him.

I looked over at Percy- he had a worried expression on his face. "Hey," I told him. "It's fine. She's gonna be okay. It wasn't even that bad."

"I know," Percy replied. "It's just... I'm scared for her. Like, what Miley's gonna do afterwards."

I wrapped my arms around Percy's neck. "Percy, just calm down. Brielle is going to be okay. Miley probably won't do anything to her."

"But still," he complained. "What if Miley like... Tries to kill her or something?"

I looked at him skeptically.

"Okay... So maybe Miley won't try to kill her. But what if she tries to hurt her again?"

I brushed my hand thorugh his hair. "Brielle will be fine. I promise."

Percy sighed, but he said, "Okay. I believe you." He pecked me on the lips.

"Now come on," he said, grabbing my hand. "I need to go see if she's okay."

"Percy," I warned.

"I just wanna make sure she's okay-"

I stopped him by kissing him. I held the kiss for a few seconds, then pulled away. "You get really annoying sometimes, you know?"

Percy blushed, but he wrapped his arms around my waist. "But that's why you love me, right?" he asked, smirking.

"Yes Percy," I said sarcastically, "I love you because you're really annoying."

Percy smiled. He kissed the top of my head. "You know I'm not going to stop being annoying until we go see if Brielle is okay," he said.

"Oh, Percy," I told him. "You're always gonna be annoying. No matter what."

"That's true," he agreed. "But I'm just gonna be even more annoying until I see my sister."

"Okay, okay, we'll go find her."

Percy and I started to walk in the direction that Connor and Brielle had left in.

"I hope that she's okay," Percy mumbled under his breath.

We turned a corner, and I had to try my best to bite back a smile. "Oh, she looks like she's perfectly fine to me."

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