Chapter 2- Lunch Date

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June 6, 2015

Patrick walked into his house at 8:03 am, he knew his wife and son were probably awake already.

He found his son in the kitchen eating cereal, "Morning Benjamin."

"Hey dad, where were you last night?" Ben asked.

"Working. Ready for your last day of school?" Patrick asked.

"Yes, guess who's coming to talk to us today," Ben beamed.

"Who?" Patrick asked while getting his own bowl of cereal.

"Stephen Curry and wait for it... Desiree Knight!" He exclaimed.

Patrick chuckled, "That's good son, I hope you have a lovely first day at basketball camp."

Bridget walked down the stairs and into her kitchen, "Good morning my prince."

"Morning mom," Ben smiled.

"Bridget I-"

"Save it, the fact that you didn't come home last night says it all," Bridget stated, "Ben hurry up, I have a photoshoot at 9 and I need to get you to school."

"Ok mom, are you coming to see our guest speakers today? Everyone else's mom will be there," Benjamin's eyes had sadness in them that Bridget could see from a mile away. She didn't get to spend much time with him and she hated that.

"Yes baby, I will be there, what time?" Bridget asked.

"Noon," he smiled.

"Count me in," she kissed his head.


"Good Desiree, you're doing great...ok, last one and then we're done," The photographer stated.

Desiree had to be at her Sports Illustrated photoshoot at 7am, she was exhausted from last night but work is work.

The cast of Wicked Castaway were scheduled for a shoot at 9, it was now 8:45.

Bridget walked in with Emily Clemons, her favorite co-worker and best friend.

"Of course everyone else is late," Bridget scoffed.

"No, I just think we're early," Emily chuckled.

Jasmine Bell walked in, "Hello Ladies."

"Hi Jas," Emily smiled.

Jas sees Desiree with her shirt off, "Woah woah, hold on, nobody said The Rookie would be here."

Bridget snapped her head towards Desiree, "I guess she had a shoot before us."

"Did you guys see that game last night? I would literally do anything to be her uniform," Jas laughed.

Emily chuckled, "She is pretty hot, I wonder who her trainer is, her abs are sick."

Bridget felt herself getting jealous and she didn't know why. Desiree high fives the photographer and walks towards them.

Chris walks up, "Desiree Knight, it's an honor, I'm Christopher James."

Desiree smiled and shook his hand, "Hi, yeah it's nice to meet you. I love the show."

Jasmine Bell butted in, "Why thank you, is it possible I could get a hug and selfie?" Jas asked while biting her lip.

Desiree rubbed her hands on her shorts, she's not really big on attention and fans, "Uh sure, Gotta warn you I'm a little sweaty know because of the lights..."

"That's fine," Jas hugged Desiree, "Ok now smile."

Desiree gave a small cheeky smile, she was highly uncomfortable. When they pulled away she noticed Bridget, "Hey Bridget," she smiled, with teeth this time.

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