Chapter 30- New and Improved

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Faster feet. Faster hands. Stronger arms. Stronger legs. That's the way it goes in Spain. Two weeks in and Desiree was exhausted, they worked her to her full ability. Her first morning there they got her out of her sling and instantly began physical therapy. It's only two weeks later and she's already back on the court, and stronger.

"How are you hanging in there rookie?" Angela Salvadores asked.

"Good, I'm so tired. I feel out of shape," Desiree replied. She mostly talked to Angela or Laura Quevedo, they were the only two on the team who were fluent in both English and Spanish.

"We'll get you there," Angela smiled, "You're doing good, you're very strong."

"Yeah thanks," Desiree chugged her water. She had been wincing all morning, her shoulder hurt like hell, she was near tears earlier but she brushed it off, like most things.

Coach Lucas Mondelo wasn't pleased, they lost the FIBA championship to Australia last year and he didn't want to lose again, "Knight! Come here!"

Desiree walked her sore calfs over to her new coach, "What's up Coach?"

"We have a game in a week and a half, do you remember?" He asked with his thick accent.

"Yes," she nodded.

He gripped her jersey and pulled her close, "If you want to play for me, you must move your damn feet! What are you scared of? You are strong, that's why I wanted you but if you do not show me that, I'll send you back like you Americans send back unwanted babies!" He pushed her back onto the court.


"I'm pretty sure my coach wants to kill me," Desiree told Bridget through FaceTime. It was 9pm in Spain which meant it it was 12am in Arizona.

Bridget yawned, "I highly doubt that."

"No baby, he does. He's really strict and I'm trying so hard to please him but it hurts, my arm hurts so bad," Desiree stated.

"Des, don't over work yourself. I know you want to get back in shape but you have to pace yourself. I don't want you to get hurt again," she stated.

Desiree couldn't really see her because she had the lights off in the room, she was in bed. She hated keeping her up all night but she wanted to talk to her even if it was for a little while.

"I don't want that either, I'm getting stronger though, I can tell," Desiree smiled, Bridget yawned again, "Go to sleep Brit, please."

"No baby, I'm up, I'm up," Bridget said, "I just had a long day."

"I know, which is why I'm telling you to rest," Desiree chuckled, "I love you, I'll talk to you later."

"But Des-"

"Go to sleep, Bridget." Desiree instructed.

"Fine, I love you too," Bridget sighed before yawning again, "Are you going to be on tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure, until I have to prep," Desiree nodded, "I'll be right here."

Thursday, November 26, 2015

5:12pm Bridget's house

"Dad!" Bridget smiled as she opened the door.

"Hey princess," he smiled and pulled her into a hug, "How are you?"

"I'm great," she stepped back, showing her baby bump, "So is he," she pointed to her stomach.

His eyes widened, "Woah," he chuckled, "Hi there little one."

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