Chapter 23- Agreed

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Guilt was eating Desiree alive, it had been two days since the charity event and she and Bridget hadn't spoken, the brunette was ignoring her. Desiree had gotten the idea that it wasn't about the baby anymore a long time ago, Bridget knew, she knew. The only question was how.

Bridget : Come over for lunch, I miss you.

The text message confused and scared Desiree, she ignored her for days and now she wants to have lunch? It didn't seem right but she missed her girlfriend so she got up and showered.


"Brit?" Desiree called as she walked through the front door.

"I'm in the kitchen!" She yelled back.

Desiree took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen, her mouth watered when she saw Bridget standing at the island with an apron on...that's it, just the apron, nothing else.

"H-hi," Desiree licked her lips.

Bridget smirked, "Hey baby, sit please."

Desiree sat on the opposite side of the island, Bridget pulled out a cucumber, "I'm making us salad."

Desiree gulped again when her girlfriend pulled out a large, very sharp knife, "Uh so you've been ignoring me."

"Yes, I have," Bridget stated before chopping the cucumber hard causing Desiree to jump, Bridget chuckled, "You ok Knight?"

Desiree nodded quickly, "Yeah, I'm fine. Why have you been ignoring me?"

Bridget laughed as if it was obvious, "Because you think I'm stupid."

"No, that's not true. Baby I-"

"You what?" She stopped chopping, "You were going to tell me? Huh?" She was now holding the knife carelessly now, waving it, "Was it so hard to talk to me? Communication is everything Des."

Desiree was terrified now, she had never seen Bridget upset like this, why was she so calm? Was she some crazy lady who was going chop her into tiny pieces? She gulped, "No I know. I was going to tell you."

Ok, now Bridget was mad, she stuck the knife into the chopping block, "Don't lie to me Knight."

"I was baby, I really was," Desiree lied.

"That's bullshit Desiree!" Bridget yelled.

"Fuck I know but I don't know what to say Brit! I was just trying to help Nathan," Desiree said.

"What the fuck can that bitch do for him?" Bridget raised her eyebrow.

"Baby he's clean now and that's all that matters, it's not my business to tell," Desiree said.

Bridget laughed, "Now it's not your business to tell?! You are the reason any of this is going on. Why lie Des? Am I that hard to talk to?"

"No really, it's just...I know how much you hate Rachel and I didn't want you to be mad," Desiree said.

"I'm passed mad now Knight, I'm livid! You went to New York to go have a party and get drunk at your EX GIRLFRIEND'S house! You nearly missed my event for her!" Bridget yelled. They were standing in the middle of the kitchen floor now, facing each other.

"Brit, I was just trying to help. The party was unexpected, I had fun, I didn't know that was a crime," Desiree frowned.

Bridget sighed and rubbed her temples, "Baby it's not a crime to have fun. I want you to have fun Des, I really do but not with her. Why her out of all people? She's trying to take you away from me."

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