Bad Boy and Princess

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Star Pov
I woke up in my wonderful boyfriends arms and I snuggled into his chest, he smelled good, and was warm "Morning princess, sleep well?" I nodded and kissed his chin "Your silly this morning, what's up with you?" I shrug I rarely feel like this "Beats me, but is it me or did you get more attractive?" I say looking into his eyes "Star? You okay?" He moved away from me and got off the bed "Yeah..I'm fine don't know what got hold of me" I shake my head "Okay..this isn't like that mewberty thing right?" I shake my head "No I swear" he walkouts my room and I try to be myself not this seductive me

When I go downstairs the house is a mess,party last night was crazy, I fought with Janna, that's pretty much it..I help Mrs Diaz pick up the plastic cups and plates laying around "Thanks star" "No problem" after awhile I took glances at Marco, he looked really good, what the heck is wrong with me! I shake my head and I take another look and he's talking to his dad and pulling his hair back and I swoon, and didn't realize I was holding on the laser puppy "Sorry little guy" I put him down and I get back to clean..after a few minutes the house is clean again and I lay on the rug and put my hands on my face and I feel someone lay next to me "Can I join?" I smirked and nodded "Yeah, go ahead" he chuckled and grabbed my hand "Star you feeling alright, your kinda acting weird towards me" I shake my head "Yes I'm perfectly fine Marco, don't worry okay" he nodded and got up and pulled me up close to him and we're inches away from kissing and I move and blush "I'm gonna shower" Marco leaves and runs up the stairs and I sigh and groan, what's the matter with me?

Marco Pov
I get into the bathroom and shower, it's weird star is acting like this, she's usually a little uptight or something,but when I looked at her eyes they weren't her eyes,her sapphire blue eyes, it had a mix of green and purple and it kinda worried me a bit...I get dressed and see star dressed as well and she smiles at me "Hello, so what do we do today?" I shrug, I usually sleep in when it's a party or new year, it's too early well not really "Beats me, wanna go walk or something?" She nods and we walk hand in hand down the sidewalk and we just stay silent, sometimes I feel like this relationship hasn't really improved or maybe I just don't see it "Marco are you feeling awkward around me or something?" I shake my head and stayed quiet "Come on, it's me right?" I avoided her eyes and then I hear music playing and I go see and it's a couple dancing and star jumps up and down "Look how adorable they are, let's dance Marco!" She said moving my arm quickly "come on princess you don't want to do that huh?" She gave me a glare and I sigh and she smiled and brought me to the dancing couple and they looked at us and smiled and I felt awkward "Star I don't like this.." I said having second thoughts but she grabbed my face and it was like we were the only ones there and we began dancing and it fun and she looked beautiful dancing in her preppy style that I like, she was sweet and graceful with just being herself

As the song finishes we look at each other and people start clapping even the couple that was dance "You dance good" the woman said, guess she speaks Spanish, she has an accent "Thank you" star said and we walked off "That was so much fun! Marco can't you believe that and that song was adorable I liked it a lot" I just like how happy she would get at the little things "Diaz are you listening?" I smile "Every word" she comes close to my face and kisses me and I hold her tight to deepen the kiss and her braids swing from left to right and she's walking backwards and I laugh afterwards "we turned into that couple. God no way" she smirked "Yeah we're that couple but who can blame us, we are two different kinds of people that nobody can picture"

She was saying the truth, I couldn't imagine us together, we are so different and we fight over the stupidest things, like a married couple, it's weird how far we've become, "Yeah that's true" when we make it home star stops and I look at her "What's wrong?" She blushes "Can we...cuddle tonight?" I nod and as I was going to enter she pulled me again "What?" "Like the other cuddle?" She said biting her bottom lip " I don't know Star, are we even ready for that?" She shrugs.." I don't know, we have to try..please" I sigh and grab her face and kiss her and she looks up "Marco.." I blush because I'm not ready but she doesn't want to wait and I can't really wait for the right time can I? "Star if we do this, we can't go back you do know that right?" She nods "I know, can we just start slow first?" I blush and nod and we go to her room and she locks it and I'm scared for my life..

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