Damian's Crush

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Marco Pov
It's been a couple days since the castle and I just wanted to forget everything and move on and iys been working, I've stayed away from that topic as much as I can and so has princess "Marco can I ask you something?" I from my phone and see Damian holding his hands "Hi, and what do you want?" He walked in and climbed on my bed "Um, I kinda like someone an-" "Aw little bro has a crush on a girl, who's the lucky lady?"

He blushed and I pull him into a hug "Let go of me, and she's my friend. Lola she's in my class, she's so pretty and stuff how do I talk to her?" I chuckled "You want some advice from big bro, well if I were you, you should go up and tell how you feel or just let her talk to you"

he raised an eyebrow "How did princess star fall for you, I'm gonna ask advice from her, thanks for trying Marco" I get up and block his way "What? Hey I'm your brother, I could help you because hey, we are the Diaz brothers. We get the ladies always" he kicked my shin and I held it while he knocked on Stars door and she open it "Hello Damian, what's up" he enter and she closed the door and I groan and walk into her room and sit next to her and put my arm around her shoulder and kiss her cheek and she giggles

"Marco, not in front of him" I smirk and Damian rolls his eyes "I need help on telling Lola that I like her" "How adorable, you have a crush wow I'll give you the advice that would surely work" "Me too" "Marco I don't want your advice because they suck" "Wow that hurt my feelings, I'm hurt Damian" they laugh and smile "Well what you need to do is get her a flower and go up to her and start a conversation, if she likes the conversation then it's the perfect time to tell her how you feel"

"That's what I said but minus the flowers and conversation" princess raised an eyebrow "No wonder he came to me, your so dumb" I kiss star down her neck and she laughs and pushes me "Take it back or I'll keep doing it" she took it back and Damian looked awkward "I don't even want to know what you two do when no one is around, ugh I'm not looking forward to being a teenager"

I chuckle and princess blushed "But you should do what I told you, don't listen to Marco, he doesn't know how to get a girl" "Then explain how I got you princess?" "Because you had a change of heart, so shut up and be supportive" "yes babe" he giggles "You two are so weird together, but you guys are happy, I hope I get to be like that with Lola" I messed his hair and sat him on me and princess lap "Hey, Lola will like you. You just gotta believe in yourself that she can like you" he sighs "Hey, your awesome she'll fall for you okay?" Star said holding his chubby cheeks "Thanks guys. Well she's coming over in a few want to join our play date?" I smiled "Sure as long as I'm with princess" I said smirking at her and she pushes my face "You butt, we would love too" Damian got off and walked out and I kissed stars cheek "Do you think Lola will like him, I would hate to see his sad chubby face" "We'll be there for him, he'll do fine if he doesn't then..we'll be there still, come on we have a play date to attend" I held out my hand for her to grab "Of course Diaz, but no funny business it's little kids" I roll my eyes and walk downstairs where we see Damian setting things up, he's really serious about this girl "Damian? What's all this?" He looks up and ignores my question and princess goes and talks to him and I hear the door bell "I'll get it"

I open the door and there stood a woman with a small child which I'm guessing it's Lola "Um, where's your mother?" "She's out, you can leave her with me" she looked at me up and down "Is there anyone else here suitable to watch a child?" "Hey lady you got some ne-" "Hello ma'am I'm Star I'll be watching the kids" "much better, thank you if anything call me, alright Lola I'll see you later, mommy loves you" she hugs her and leaves "That woman is horrible" "Yeah I know, sorry about her" Lola said and that made me surprised that came out her mouth "Well Lola Damian is waiting for you" she smiles and takes stars hand and I close the door and follow behind "Hey Damian" "Hi..hi..Lola" it's pretty cute he stuttered "What are we doing today?" "oh uh, I got you a flower" she giggles "Such a gentleman" I look behind me and see a vase filled with roses and I pull one out "Star, a rose for you" she blushed "Aw Marco your so sweet" she kissed my cheek and hugged me "Aw you guys are so cute" Lola said with hearts in her eyes an I give Damian the nod to do the same "So, Lola how are you?" "I'm well thanks for asking" I sit down and princess sits on my lap and we watch them..

Damian Pov
I was so nervous, I really like Lola and my brother is trying to help but I'm so lost and confused "So remember when Ms Leila got angry at us" "Yeah, we made her so mad, but it was getting boring in the class" she giggled and it made my heart beat fast "Well she shouldn't talk all the time. Or we fall asleep in class" she laughs more and she touches my hand "Damian, are you alright? Your face is red?"

I try to calm down and shake my head "Want to join me to get juice?" She nods and takes my hand and I gulp of how much she is touching me, I get two and hand her one "Thanks" "No problem" we sip the juice and just look at each other "Sorry if I'm acting weird" she nods "It's okay, I think we should play upstairs, cause I see your brother and his girlfriend making out on the couch"

we look and see Marco kissing star and they are laughing and smiling and I groan "Ugh..I hate him sometimes" Lola giggles and we go upstairs without being seen and lay on my fluffy bean bag chair "Your brother is just like my cousin, always giving everyone a hard time" "Who's your cousin?"

"Janna, she's my favorite cousin but she's been distant lately" that's his best friend and she likes him "Oh, she likes my brother" Lola had a shocked expression "What no way, but he has Star" "Yeah, Janna and Star aren't really fond of each other, they had a fight on New Year Eve, it was bad" Lola laughed at how funny that sounded "Wow I wish I could've seen that, I can't picture star fighting my cousin" I chuckle

"Yeah but it's possible" she nods and we are in another silence "So what now?" I shrug "Lola I have to say something but I'm afraid" she looks at me "What is it Damian, you can tell me" I took a deep breath "Lola I like you, like Um like, like kinda way" she blushed a little "Really? Your sweet Damian" I wait for her to say more "Well, how do you feel about me?" She giggled "I like you too, but I'm too scared to say it" I smile

"You do?" "Yeah.." we stood up and she came closer towards me "That's cool..that's pretty awesome..Um" she hugged me and I smiled "You don't have to be nervous around me, because your perfect just the way you are" I hug back "Thanks Lola" she kissed me cheek and I blushed "Thanks for the flower, and having a great time, I would love to hang out with you more"

I nod and hold her hand and we walked downstairs where my brother is still making out with princess star, ugh not looking forward to that "Promise me we won't be like that?" I look at her and laugh "We won't, and that's a promise" as we laughed the doorbell rang "Hey mom" "Hey Lola, hello Damian did you have fun?" "Yes I did Mrs. Ruiz, I hope I can go over sometime" "Of course just tell your mom first" I nod "Okay, bye Lola" "Bye Damian" as she turned she ran back and hugged me and kissed my cheek "Bye"

she smiles and runs to he'd mom and I close the door "My little bro got a little kiss from his crush" Marco messed my hair up "Stop it Marco, and I know" I blushed "Well if she kissed you, then she must like you huh?" Star said as she sat on her knees "Yeah, I guess I just had to be myself, thanks guys" they hugged me "No problem bro, even though we argue and stuff I still care about you, I love you" I smiled and hugged Marco tight "Thanks Marco" he hugged back "No problem, just wait when your my age" "I don't want to hear this, good bye" I ran as fast I could upstairs "You'll find out someday!"

A/N a little sweet chapter of star and Marco helping little Damian with his little crush, we don't really see Damian so why not a chapter dedicated to him, hope you like this

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