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Good for you! You are now in my world where cheeseballs are welcome and vegetables are the enemy!!!

So... most of you ( probably ) already know me as Silent rhythym. But here you call me ' Si ' or ' Rhy '. But don't be a jerk like Jeff and call me ' Sirhy '. If you are going to do that, then at least say it separately ( Si Rhy ). Peoplez, don't get offended. That's Offendy's job.

So, now you all are probably uncomfortable now that I've mentioned that name. I would be too. Why do you think we all hide and use the buddy system when he comes?
( Stupid Lj ditched me the last time and that almost happened.... but let's not get into that.... )

Anywho, we are not here to talk about Offendy... or that time. We are here for random stuff to happen. You peoplez are probably here because you are bored out of your minds and had nothing else better to do. Or you peoplez are here because you just felt like it have no good explanation ( Don't worry, I do that all the time... shh.... ).

So without further or do! I present to you the CREEPYNOODLES!!! Wait... what's that? Oh... heehee! I mean, the CREEPYPASTAS!!!

* The creepypastas walk in *

Me: HEY GUYS!!! ( XD )

Slendy: Remind me again why we are doing this, child.

Me: Because I felt like it! ( ^-^ )

Slendy: * Facelesspalm *

BEN: Si, I have better things to do.

Me: * Glares * What was that, elf?

BEN: * Starts glitching every electronic ) I aM nOt An ElF!!!

Me: Do you have pointy ears?

BEN: Yes.

Me: Are you short?

BEN: Yes, but I-

Me: Do you like cookies?

BEN: Yes, but what does that have to d-

Me: Then you're an elf.

BEN: ( -_- )

Me: ( ^-^ )

Jeff: * Starts laughing *

Me: I wouldn't start if I were you... (^^)

Jeff: What are you talking about?

Me: You have your flaws too.

Jeff: Pfft! Please, I'm fabulous!

Me: Ever seen that meme that reveals that you look like a mix between Joker and Barney?

Jeff: ....

Me: * Hair flip *

Masky: This is very interesting and all, but...

All of time stopped with that one sentence. Birds stopped chirping (although most of them weren't already because Si had killed them, intending to put them in her stew that would've contained a certain 'non-elf'). Everyone shifted nervously on their feet as Rhy turned to look at Masky.

Me: What are you saying?

Masky: Uh... that I'm pretty sure that we all have something to do right now.

Me: Who made you their representative?

Masky: No one. I'm just stating the obvious.

Me: ....

~ Le Timeskip brought to you by the girly screams of the pastas ~

The pastas were all in the dungeon. What dungeon you may be asking. Well you see, there was this secret door in Rhy's room that led to a dungeon under the mansion. Even Slendy didn't know about it before.

LJ was chanting something about candy ( naturally ). EJ was banging was banging his head against the cage in hopes of dying or being knocked out, for the poor pasta had been locked inside the same cage as LJ. Masky was doing the same thing as EJ. Except that his reason was Toby, who was currently poking Masky and chanting 'Hey Masky'. Hoodie was in the corner of the cage, trying to stay calm. Slendy was knocked out in his cage, although no one will ever know how Si got him to fit in there.

BEN was screaming something about how he at least needed one electronic. Dark Link, who was quite fed up with the annoying elf, proceeded to knock BEN out. Jeff was giggling about Zalgo knows what. Bloody was drawing on the wall with a piece of chalk that had been lying around. Puppet was wondering how long it would take for him to undo his binds and kill LJ, for he too was sick of the clown's constant chanting.

Sonic was throwing himself against his cage, desperately trying to get out. Lost Silver sat, already knowing that they were all doomed. Glitchy Red kept track of the minutes that passed, without a clock. Just, don't ask. Sally sat outside of the cages, happily playing with Charlie and was completely oblivious to the terrified screams of the pastas ( Aren't you just adorable, Sally?! ).

Just as all of the pastas were about to go insane again (is that even possible?! XD Welp, I'm the author and I make the rules here... ), the doors to the dungeon opened and in walked Rhy.

She had on what looked like a monk's robe, but it was white. It had stains on it that looked suspiciously like Nutella. She had her scissors in one hand and a scalpel in the other ( Everyone guessed that she stole it from Smiley's room ). She had on a mad doctor's wig and had smiley faces drawn her cheeks with what looked like pink lipstick ( she's high on Nutella, ok?! XD ). A table floated in behind her, carrying various fruits and junk food ( Telekinesis peoplez. I have that power ).

She came to a stop in front of the cages and inspected them. She studied each and every one of the pastas as if trying to figure out what each of them would taste good with. She turned to Masky and gave him a disappointed look.

Me: It could've been better, Masky.

Masky: Are you seriously going to cook us because we had to leave?!

Me: Just know this Masky, I've always felt closest to you for some odd demented reason....

Masky: (-_-)




Dark Link: (-_-)

Me: No BEN. Because of Masky, you all shall be punished.

LJ: * Stops chanting 'Candy' ( much to Puppet's and EJ's relief ) * Now, now Kiddo! There's no need for that! Why not just punish Masky?

Bloody: * Mutters under breath * The first smart thing you've said since I've met you...

Me: * Huffs * This is a book of randomness for Zalgo's sake! Why would I want to do something sane in this thing?!

The pastas: Book?

Me: Oh, never mind that!

Slendy: * Groggily gets up then realizes that he is in a cage * Uh, children? Why am I in a cage? ( Poor Slendy... ) Si, child. Release us this minute.

Me: (-_-) You guys are no fun...

~ Le Timeskip brought to you by BEN's screams of joy ~

So... I'm now on kitchen duty for the rest of the month. I just really hope that Slendy has the fire department on speed dial, because there will be at least one fire every time I'm in the kitchen. I guess he doesn't know that about me yet... This will be fun~.

~ A week later ~

Slenderman stood outside of the burning mansion, looking royally ticked off. He tapped his foot, impatiently. His tux was singed and he had ash on his nonexistent face.

Rhy tried to sneak out of sight. She was covered head to toe in soot and ash. She tried to look as innocent as she could.

Slendy: Si, get over here.

Me: * Curses under breath then walks over * Yes, Slender?

Slendy: Child, you are now hereby banned from cooking in the mansion.

Me: 😇

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