The NUTELLA Finale

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BEN was running.

Now, I know what you're asking.

You're asking what could possibly get the stupid elf to run.

There are multiple things.

Water guns.

A sale on the latest video games.


More dinner.

More video games.

An angry Brooke.

An angry Rhy.

An angry Brooke and Rhy.


And Offendy and Trendy.

He was being chased by them.


Anyways, BEN ran as fast as his little feet could carry him. He ran around corners shrieking his head off. He nearly tripped over a rock that was placed on the ground for some reason.

He didn't dare look behind him in fear that he would find that Offendy and Trendy were gaining on him. With that terrifying thought, he pushed himself to run faster.

BEN ran for a couple of more minutes before he heard a little chime come from his pocket. While still running, he pulled a little device out of his pocket and looked at it. It was black square object made of who knows what. There was a tiny blue light that was blinking in the corner of the object.

BEN sighed in relief and made a sharp turn to the left. He looked back a couple of times to make sure that Offendy and Trendy were still following him.

He turned a couple of more corners before he ended up running into a large empty room.

He came to a stop at the very center and quickly turned around when he heard the click of a lock. Offendy and Trendy were grinning. Offendy had a suggestive look on his face, whereas Trendy was pulling out a measuring tape.

BEN shifted on his feet nervously. He looked at the little device in his hand and wondered if he had been betrayed. He looked at his watch and saw two minutes. He had arrived two minutes earlier than the decided time. All he could right now was stall.

BEN: U-u-uh... Hey...

Perverted Weirdo: Hello~!

Fashion Idiot: Hi!

BEN couldn't help but giggle when he saw what names Rhy had put for the two Slender brothers.

BEN: *thinking* Those names are awesome Rhy!

Me: *thinking* Shhhhh! You'll blow my cover!

BEN: So... how have you two.... been?

Trendy: Great! Thank you for asking!

Offendy: I'm about to get better~!

The poor little elf couldn't help but start shaking in fear and disgust when the two idiots starting moving closer to him.

And then the little device that BEN had forgotten was still in his little hand started to let out a chorus of chimes. He jumped.

Offendy and Trendy stared at the little device in confusion, just now realizing that BEN had it.

BEN grinned.

Help had come.

Out of nowhere ropes fell down from the ceiling and mutiple creepypastas slid down from the ropes.

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