I have hated him since first year... now we are in love!

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Lily's POV

'Will you dance with me?' James whispered in my ear. I blushed and before I could answer, James took my waist. My thigh tingled at his touch, at his cool breath, at his closeness. We danced the waltz when suddenly Lupin stuck out his foot and the pair of us tripped and fell. It was a very awkward position because he was on top of me and I felt him press himself closer.

I looked at Lupin, my eyes demanding an explanation, but his eyes were full of hatred- and they were staring at James.

James and I wandered out of Lupins view and earshot.

'Lupin tripped us up,' I told James.

'I know,' James replied calmly.

'Well, are you going to break friends with him?' I asked.

'No,' said James, 'Lupin and I have been friends since second year, but me and you only just fell in love.'

I was shocked that he had picked up on my feelings so quickly. I opened my mouth to say something, when James continued with a smirk, 'Although I must admit, you make a great couch.'

Questiontime- what do u think Lupin will do? Give up or try to split them up?

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