Not a good omen

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Lupin POV

I sat digging into my meal, my mind completely cleared of Lily somehow. It was as if I didnt really care anymore. All the trouble it had caused between me and James-is one girl really worth it?

But then, when you put it that way, Lily isnt just one girl. Shes all the girls in the world rolled into one. But still...

I looked up as James marched into the Great Hall, his footsteps so loud and face so livid everyone stopped eating. 'YOU- HOW DARE YOU TRY TO STEAL MY LILY?!' he roared. Everyone stopped eating and stared. I dropped my plate and all the boiling hot food cascaded onto my pants. 'YOU ARE UNBELIEVEABLE, YOU STUPID-YOU STUPID-WEREWOLF!!!'

Oh no. What did he just say????!!!!!

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