Umm, a little help here please?

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AN starting from where left off x

Dumbledore POV

'STUDENTS!' I yelled and the babble of talk silenced. 'I would like to clarify that Mr Potter is lying. Mr Lupin is not a creature of any sort. I do not want to hear of any mention of whether or not Mr Lupin is a werewolf again otherwise the student saying it will be expelled. Mr Potter, we will go outside for a private chat.'

James POV

I obediently walked outside, closely followed by Dumbledore. When we were out of students earshot, Dumbledore said solemnly, 'James, I know everything that has happened between you, Mr Black, Mr Lupin and Miss Evans.' He began.

'H-How do you know sir?' I asked, overwhelmed.

'Mr Potter, when you are a sociable man like myself, the amount of info colleagues willingly tell you is amazing,' Dumbledore said without even a small smile. 'Now focus, Mr Potter. You and Mr Lupin and Mr Black have been friends for a long time, much longer than you knew Miss Evans- longer than any of you knew her. I understand you are at a ripe age to be engrossed in first love now, but I would have thought your friends would come first. Just sonething to think about.' Then he swept off.

And I knew he was right.

Jealousy (a Lily Potter love story)Where stories live. Discover now