The Secret Is out... what will happen next?

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AN okay once again I cant be bothered going back in time I am starting from where I left off i will usually do that unless Im not in lazy mode XD PS This is dedicated to FreclyFace because I am half amazed at her writing skills and half angry that she has put the BEST STORY EVER on hold! But special mention to LadyLaLa2 coz I am seriously enjoying her Druna story! Oh yeah there will be a lot of POV switching x

Lupins POV

OMG what did I just say?!?!

James stared at me in disbelief. Snape had stopped dead. It was as if my sudden outburst had canceled all movement. In the WORLD!!

' But... Lily's my girlfriend,' James whispered.

The bitterness of love was still within me and I said something that now I am old and gray, I am ashamed to have said to my best friend. I said, ' So why did she let Snivellus in the common room? They were giggling together like- like they were in love!'

Snape POV

I can't believe Loopy Lupin said that. I could feel James' glare directed at me. 'Oh God, James, its not what you think-' I began, but James spat, 'DON'T TALK TO ME, SNIVELLYPANTS!'

I stopped, hurt, aand stared at him. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. Yes. Down the great brave James Potters face. It just goes to show even people with seriously swollen heads cry, I thought- then burst out laughing.

Which wasn't the best of ideas, I tell you.

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