Are you serious, Sirius?!?

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AN okk, we are finally getting into the story now. Yayyy. I hope you guys enjoy it. Dedicated to jcpastry, dont ask why XD Oh yeah time setting of this chapter is the next day x

Sirius pov

I wandered the school field, worried. About James. About Remus. About Lily. About our future as friends.

It was a free period, and it was freezing, but then, welcome to October, right? I was just thinking of something funny I could say to James to laugh him out of it-God, sixth grade is soo stressful- when I saw them.


Quickly ducking behind a tree, I listened.

'How are we going to split them up?' Lupin asked.

'It wont be easy,' Snape admitted grimly. 'Potter can sniff out troublemakers from a mile off.'

'And Lily can be fierce, too,' Lupin added.

I had heard enough. Enough for James to hear, anyway.

Jealousy (a Lily Potter love story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora