Shrieking Shack

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James POV

I ran down to the common room to tell Lily, but Lily was not alone. Snape was sat with her and the pair were giggling together. I clenched my fists.

'Lily, have you seen Remus and Sirius?' I asked.

Lily looked round. 'No,' she replied uninterestedly. I turned to leave when Snape called, 'Yo, Potter, can I speak to you?'

'Sure, but be quick,' I said.

When we were in the boys' dormitory Snape said, 'Listen I just want you to know that there is nothing between me and Lily. We are just friends. Nothing will ever come between you and her. I can see shes in love with you. But, I just-well, Lily wants us to be friends.'

Right then I was prepared to do anything Lily wanted, so I made it a deal.

Snape and I Apparated down to the ground outside and followed the clawprints. 'The Shrieking Shack...' I breathed. That, unbeknownst to Snivellus-I mean Snape- was Lupins werewolf transformation place.

So why had he took Sirius with him?

I took out my moon calendar. Nope, it was a crescent moon tonight.

What was going on?!

AN OKKKK whatcha think. Hey, hey, hey, where ya going, its not over yet! Oh yeah, in snapes pov in this next bit, I cant be bothered going back to the start of lupin-sirius disappearance so its starting from where we left off in james pov x

Snape POV

James and I ran into the shrieking shack. Lupin was sobbing his heart out on the floor and Sirius was nowhere to be seen. 'Wheres Sirius?' James asked Lupin, who looked up from his sobs. He quickly dried his eyes when he saw James and his eyes widened when he saw me, but ignored me. 'Oh, you-er, missed quidditch practice yesterday. Some slytherin jerk knocked him off his broom and he has broke a lot of bones. He has to stay in the hospital wing overnight.'

'What about the clawprints on the dorm floor?' James asked.

'Bad cycle, its not usually so bad at this time of year,' Lupin admitted, then added, 'Hows Lily?'

'Fine-now why are you crying?" James asked.

'Because I am in love with her,' gabbled lupin, then burst into tears.

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