The Deal Just Expired

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Disclaimer- I own nothing except the spell in this chapter, 'Enseparacio.t means 'separate.' As is obvious.

James POV

Tears were streaming down my cheeks. I couldn't accept it. There you go, Lily, I thought dully (Lily was forever encouraging me to be nice to Snape), I was nice to him, and now look. Yea, whatever Snivellus. That didn't last long, did it?

Snape took one look at my tear streaked face and burst out laughing. I snapped, and lunged towards him. We fell onto the floor, wrestling furiously. Snape had a black eye when I pulled away and raised my fist threateningly. 'Want a matching eye patch for the other eye?' I asked, sounding totally deranged. My fist flew towards Snape's when I heard Sirius' voice yell, 'Enseparacio!'

I was blasted to the opposite side of the room. It really hurt too. Suddenly, Sirius, Snape and Lupin all gasped. Dreading the worst, I turned to see...

Oh God, Lily was standing in the doorway.

Da-da-daaa! I love cliffhangers. Because Im evil. Yeah, anyway, questiontime-

What do you think Lily will do?

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