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⚫⚫F I N A⚫⚫

"So you mean to tell me..." Jasmine took a deep breath "you were here? THE WHOOOOLE TIME?" her words travel, they get louder. I nod, like as if everything seemed okay. I don't believe I did anything wrong. " We were looking EVERYWHERE for you!!" I snicker. I really didn't care if she got her little feelings hurt just because I decided to leave without saying anything. "Didn't you and Maya ditch Bambii last night?" She turns around, and Bambii has a little smirk across his face. "Maya was having a bad time and she insisted for me to take her home. So I did so." She says " And whats your explanation?" She smirks. "I just didn't want to stay. Parties aren't my thing." I take a look at all my artwork scattered around my walls. "Why did you show her where I lived, Bambii? i don't like people like her in my home." "PEOPLE LIKE ME?! PEOPLE LIKE ME?!?!" She walks closer to me. "Oi! Look at the time. Gotta go meet this boy I met last night!!" Bambii makes his way out of my house. Jasmine walks up to me, her face is frowned. I enjoyed getting her angry. I always knew she had a short temper. "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME! EVER SINCE YOU MET ME YOU WOULDN'T EVEN TAKE THE TIME TO EVEN GET TO KNOW ME!!" She yells at me. I remain calm. "YOU'VE ALWAYS ACTED LIKE A STUCK UP LITTLE CHILD WHO'S ONLY INTO ART!" I raise a brow "Maybe because I do love ar-" "WELL HOW ABOUT YOU PUT THAT ASIDE FOR ONE AND ACTUALLY GET TO KNOW ME BEFORE YOU JUDGE!!! BECAUSE BABY YOU AIN'T NEVER GOING TO MEET A PERSON LIKE ME NOR HAVE YOU EVER!" Her last statement caught my attention. "Alright. Let's make a deal. I'll give you one day to impress me. If you don't, I won't speak to you ever again, and you dont speak to me. Don't even look at me, or breathe the same atmosphere I breathe. If you do impress me, I guess I can attempt to be your friend." I hold my hand out. She grabs it tightly. "It's a date." She says. I scrunch my nose up "Nah, ain't no dating." 

⚫⚫M A Y A L I N A H⚫⚫

Why was I crying in the first place? Bitch, I'm Maya. I can do anything. I jump out of my bed, instantly removing my clothing. I planned on taking a LONNNG hot bath and doing what I love. Write. I grabbed my writing notebook, and my favorite exspensive Mechanical pencil. I walked into my bathroom, and I tunred on the bath water. I let it run for a while. Until the water was to my liking, I wrote. 

My eyes hurt, 

My body aches.

 All i wanted was her,

 but she wanted something different.

 I lied, 

when I should've came clean. 

She hasn't checked on me not once,

Not even to see if I was still breathing.

But It's alright,

because I accept her decision.

After a long night of tears,

I've made my OWN decision to move on.

I will not wait for her to love me.

Not just as friends,

but as never ending Soulmates.

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