Chapter 2

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Mark's POV

My heart begins beating rapidly as I see his face in the thumbnail of a recently uploaded Happy Wheels video. Oh my god. I wanted to watch but my hand was frozen on my mouse. I took in a shaky deep breath and clicked on the video. I was suddenly greeted by a loud whipping sound and an Irish accent.

"TOP O' DA MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES! My name is Jacksepticeye!" Memories can flooding back to me. I couldn't help but smile at his energy. He was still the bright, cheery Jackaboy I was, and still am, in love with. I watched with joy as he would fail at spike falls, cursing out loud. Laugh as he finally beat the bottle run after trying 10 times.

After the video was done, I found myself wanting to watch more of his content. A RYC video of his caught my eye. As I began to watch it, I was getting more and more immersed in the video every second. He read hilariously stupid comments, to serious comments. At one point, he read a comment from someone mentioning how gorgeous his eyes were. He responded by pushing his face near the camera. The light catching his crystal blue eyes. His brown and grey hair matted down by a light grey beanie.

Should I leave a comment.? No.. I don't think that would be a good idea. He probably forgot about me.. There not really any use. I sat back in my computer chair, just staring at the comment box. The little blue line just blinking away, waiting for me to type a response. But what if he still thinks about me? Has he found me yet? Is he waiting for me to find him?

Soon, I was getting anxiety. I was battling myself over a stupid comment he might not even see! I closed the browser and stepped away from my computer. I just couldn't deal with it right now. Walking to the living room, I slumped over onto the couch, spacing out. Just go to sleep.. That might help.

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