Chapter 7

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    I woke up the next day, feeling very nervous. I mean, ha, forget the fucking butterflies. I had the whole damn zoo and THEN some going on in my stomach. I slumped my way over to the bathroom and got ready.

As I got ready, I was reciting my schedule for the day. "Walk around for a little bit, I have a panel with Felix and.." I gulped harshly,"Jack. Then a signing." I buttoned up my flannel shirt and took one last glance at myself before leaving.

"You can do this Mark. You can do this."

I sighed heavily as I entered the large building. I walked around, looking around at different types of games and equipment the people were presenting. I did get stopped by fans.

Fans. Sounds weird to say. I, Mark Fischbach, have fans. People who love watching a stranger just scream at a game. I don't even like using the name "fandom" as some would say. When I think of the word 'fandom', I think of a pop star and their fans. They say their close to their fans but it never really seems like that.

Like they're out of reach. Not really personal with them. Well, not like they really have a choice about being personal. Their lives are plastered everywhere.

'Community' sounds better. 'Community' sounds like I have more of a bond with them than other singers, movie stars, etc. I love the fans. They've helped me through so much as there was no way in the world I would ever be able to thank them for what they've done.

I couldn't help but smile and hug every single one of them. Some would laugh, some would cry. Some just would be way too nervous to say anything. Meeting with all of them got my mind of you-know-who. Which helped me alleviate most of my stress. Almost made me forget about- "I can't wait to watch your panel later today Mark!" The fan said, hugging me tightly then racing down the hall.


-We're Taking The Time Skip Home-

Felix made his way to me. "MARRRRKKKK" he shouts. "FELIIIXXXX". We pushed our fists together then pulled away, making explosion sounds. "You ready?" Felix asks. I felt all the blood rush from my head. "Heh.. As ready as I'll ever be!" I said cheerfully.

Felix glared at me, then turned to face the stage, crossing his arms over this chest. "Yeahhh, no you're not." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and waited for them to announce us. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. One of the security guards towered over me. "Hey, where's the Irish fella?" He asked.

"Oh shit. I didn't even notice he wasn't here." Felix muttered. "Please welcome to the stage, the Holy Youtube Trinity! Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and PewDiePie!" The crowd roared as Felix and I stumbled on stage. The audience quickly took notice that Jack wasn't with us. "HEY! WHERE'S JACKABOY?!" A crowd member bellowed from the back.

I shakily adjusted my mic and spoke up. "We have no clue." Just then we heard grunting come from backstage. Then Jack appeared from behind the curtain, sending the crowd into hysterics and my heart into hyperdrive. "Jaysus guys. Sorry. I was in the bathroom and had to run here." He placed his hands on his knees, trying to steady his breathing.

"NOW we can start." Felix blurted, trying to make me feel a little more comfortable. The three of us took a seat on the couch with me in the middle, Jack on my right and Felix on my left. There was a screen in front of us that glared the start up screen for Rocket League.

I did my best to act as normal as I possibly could without giving off a vibe. I couldn't help but overthink the whole time. Don't do this. They'll notice you're nervous. Oh, oh, oh, don't do that they'll know you're faking.

We played for a little bit then moved onto the Q&A. Everything was going just fine and just when I thought I was gonna make it through the whole panel..

"If you guys could date any of the other two up there, who would you date? Hypothetically." Jack answered without any hesitation. "Probably Mark." I quickly bit the inside of my lip to keep from screaming. Then suddenly, all eyes were on me. Oh tits. What the hell do I say?!

Without thinking, I blurted, "FELIX." My eyes widened after it finally sunk in what I had said. The crowd booed. I felt as if I was gonna vomit. Ya done it now Mark.




The last one hit me like a ton of bricks. I was about to break and Felix took notice quickly. "Mark.." Felix placed his hand on my shoulder. I immediately tore the headset from myself and rushed off stage and out of the room. I couldn't believe I did that but I wasn't thinking when I did it. It just.. happened. I threw my hand over my mouth and darted past clusters of people to the nearest restroom.

When I made it, I pushed the stall door open and threw up into the toilet. I didn't even bother to close the door. I looked like I just came from a frat party. I was sweating, vomiting, I just looked like a wreck.

As I upchucked, I felt a hand rub my back. "Oh my god. Mark are you okay.?" Jack's hot breath hitting the back of my neck.

Fuck noT NOW.

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