My Oc charater I made

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Im still thinking of how I'll put in all the Oc's into the story in a unique way. But when I was bored I made my own Oc. This artwork is Not Mine! It was something I found on Google
(*''*) Well here's my Oc
Name: Serenity
Age: 17
Personality: Tomboy
Dante's Friend, Calls Dante Dante~Sensei since he teaches her how to play sports. Lives with Nicole since her parents left her at a young age and Dante insisted she lived there. Afraid of  lighting and thunder . Had a crush on Dante but soon realized he loves Nicole. Later she met Vlyad when she was hiding away from the rain and thunder in a box but Vlyad helped her home and they hanged out ever since.
Welp that's my Oc ^-^ I might put it in the story after all the other Oc's you guys have me :3 how was mine?>^< Well I'll have extra time to work on the the chapter since I have no school tomorrow. Well cya :3

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