Chapter 9: The S.S Ship it

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Other Oc's will be used in other chapters. Some I'm holding off for special parts of the story. I also found my new Otp :3 My Oc Serenity x Vlayd. #Vlanity :3 (Bad ship name I know;-;)

Alita's Point of View

I grab my phone and scroll find the pictures of Lucinda and me. I can't believe that happened. "Kawaii~Chan so ships Vlanity! Best ship ever!" "Kawaii~Chan this gives me a reason to not even hang out with you!" "Michi~Chan wait! Aw...." Huh Kawaii~Chan? I've never met her before but I knew she was a rival for Lucinda at there maid cafes.

"Why hello there!" "HUH!!!" How did she get behind me I tought she was in front of me! "Sorry to scare you! Kawaii~Chan's friend Michi~Chan left her so do you want to hang out? If your a travlyn fan I have fan a-" "DID YOU JUST SAY TRAVLYN!!!" "Yay!!! Another Travlyn buddy! Do you know Aronmau?" Omg Kawaii~Chan is a better person then I expected! "Kawaii~Chan we need to be friends Now!" Time to show my fan art FANGIRL SCREAN TIME!!!!(We advise you to scream along if you'd like fan girls unite :3) "Your fanart is so good! We should make a club for people like us!"
-----------Magical 2hour skip---------
"The S.S ship it!" Kawaii~Chan giggled. We've been hanging out and I haven't been shy once to her. Maybe because I think of her like Lucinda but different. "Alita~Sama where do you live anyway." Shoot! I don't have anywhere in this town I live and saying I live in the middle of the universe in a Acadamey for witches Ins't the best thing for me to say or I might get in trouble. "Um no where really I just got to this town um...Traveling yes...Traveling!" Kawaii~Chan looked like she didn't believe me but nodded anyway.
      "You can stay with Kawaii~Chan's friend Rosa! Don't tell anyone but I ship her and Zane since it's like opposites attract!" I guess I'll take that offer. "Sure I hope she accepts me living with her" Kawaii~Chan got up to go make tea. Well Lucinda I hope your watching me make a new friend. And I hope you see my smile.
Ok well it's practically not tonorrow but hope you enjoy :3

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