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New update! Tw; homophobic slurs

"Dan... I've got to tell you something."

I've got to tell you something.

That's what I told Matt.

I told him that I liked him.

That phrase is triggering.

Why can't I move?

No, Dan! You are not having a panic-

"Argh! No, no, no. Please no!" I shouted. Making Phil jump in terror.

- flashback -

"Matt, I've got to tell you something."

"Okay? Spill the beans." He smiled.

"I- I love you."

Silence filled the atmosphere.

Did I do the right thing? Did I? Please, say yes.

"You, love me? Disgusting! You are a faggot piece of shit! You think I would love you? I don't even like you! Haha!" Oh.

"You are a disgusting faggot and you deserve to die."

- end flashback -

"Argh! I- I no!" I was sat in the floor now.

"D- Dan?! Shush it's okay." Phil comforted me, and he was touching my back?

Why didn't I feel alarmed? Something was different.

"D-don't touch him!" Melanie exclaimed.

"N-no! It's..." I was in relief. Why did I have not a mini-seizure? Phil touched me, and I felt safe. Not badly nostalgic.

"Dan?" Melanie looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Let's get you to the nurse, yeah?" Phil asked.

"No! That makes it even worse!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, Phil please don't brig him to the nurse's office. He was, terrible, terrible memories there." Melanie frowned.

"I'm sorry. I-I just don't know, w-what to do." Phil sighed, sitting beside me.

I let out a long sigh and looked at him. He was already looking at me.

Our eyes met.

Brown to blue.

We looked away and laughed awkwardly.

"It's just... I'm sorry, Dan. I was gonna tell you something but... it was triggering to you. So, nevermind." He let out a shy grin. I really wanted to hear what he was gonna tell me, but as he said. It was triggering.

"Oh, Phil. I would love to hear. But, it's just... brings back terrible nostalgia." I cried.

"Shush, Dan. Don't cry." He comforted.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"I liqwk you." He murmured.

"Pardon?" I asked, confused.

"No-no. I was just trying to remember a song lyric." He lied. I'm pretty sure he wasn't singing.

"Okay then?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Look Dan. Can I just say it?" He tried.

"Sure. It won't be a big deal anyways." I sighed.

"I- I... like you."

crybaby: his life + a phan au [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now