Flawless - Zach Abels Fanfiction

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"Honestly Raia I really don't want to go here." I pleaded as she lead me towards some building where the concert took place.

"No, we're going to show that asshole what he's missing. Trust me it's going to be somewhat fun." she said smiling. "Hopefully." she said in an exasperated sigh (I probably wasn't suppose to here)

We finally arrived at the building, I don't even know what it's called. We showed some guy at the ticket booth our passes (even though it was general admission) and then walked into the small, yet packed, bar.

I saw them getting ready to start, it makes sense because we are like an hour late to the show.

To start things off, I know people would die for these tickets. The only reason I don't really want to be here is because Zach, the guitarist for the band, and I had a thing. By thing, well for me, I mean something special, but according to him, it was just a thing. I was forced here against my will, by my friend Raia. Her, Jesse, and I have known eachother since sixth grade, but we haven't talked to Jesse in forever. Where ever Jesse goes, Bryan, Zach, Jeremy, and Mikey go too.

The lights dimmed. I was kinda excited to see Jesse. Him and I were, and still are, really good friends along with Raia.

The lights dimmed gradually and before I knew it, Jesse's voice was ringing throughout the bar, which made all the girls go crazy. He started out with 'Wires' and then 'Afraid'.

During 'Afraid' he walked right past Raia and I, and even complimented our shirts, but didn't recognize us, which made Raia and I laugh.

About five songs in to the concert, I heard the familiar beat to the song. I looked up at Zach, who I could tell was kind of bothered by the song choice also, and he just focused on his playing. He still has that little expression that I could only notice when he's playing, and that's what I love about him.

When Jesse started singing I felt Raia's eyes on me. I looked at her. She mouthed 'You ok?'.

I nodded. And focused back on the stage.

"She's enough for me, she's in love with me."

I focused on the rest of the band the whole time, I have to admit, Jesse has gotten alot cuter since the eleventh grade, and I mean that in a bestfriend kind of sense, he should have a girlfriend.

I felt someone's attention on me, and when I took a quick glance at Zach, we made eye contact, and it happened.

"Raia I need a moment." I said. She was too focused on the band to hear what I said the first time. "Raia I'm going to the bathroom." I said. She looked over at me and by her facial expression, she knew exactly why. "Do you want me to come?" she asked. I shook my head no. "When the concert is over find Jesse." I said. "I'll be back in a minute." I said.

"You are flawless and I just can't wait for love to destroy us."


I was in the bathroom trying to keep myself together, and it was hard really hard. I looked in the mirror, and I myself could physically see in my face that I wasn't ok, no where close.

Someone walked in, and clearly didn't mind me being in there. She looked around fourteen anyways, which I didn't mind. She was actually a little beneficial to my emotional state, even though we didn't speak a peep to eachother.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked before walking out of the restroom. I nodded. "Uh yeah, thank you." I said. She nodded and smiled, then walked out of the small room.

I crammed myself into the small stall and felt the small tug in my throat that I was about to cry.

I heard screams, so I knew the show was over by then. I heard someone come in, and then I heard him.

"Lily, I know you're in here." I heard Jesse say. "Come out, come out where ever you are." he said, I could hear him laugh a little at his lame attempt to find me.

I walked out of the stall, he was there right infront of the sink.

"Damn girl!" he said looking at me. I smiled. "I can say the same for you rockstar." I said. "You guys killed it." I added. "You would know. You were only there for half the show." he said smiling.

I shrugged my shoulders. "What do you keep smiling at?" I asked him. He was just grinning, and he doesn't do it often at all, which sucks because he has a beautiful smile. "You are just growing up." he said. I smiled. "You know were the same age right?" I asked. He nodded his head. "C'mon let's go backstage." he said tugging my hand. Honestly I'm not going to let Zach ruin my night. I was here for Jesse, Mikey, Bryan, and Jeremy. Not that little punk ass.


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