Oh Snap

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Chapter 8

Lilly's POV

After I texted Zach, I decided I wanted to talk to Jesse again. I pulled up his contact and clicked the button and a blank screen was awaiting me to instigate a conversation.

"What up hommmeeeboiii, whatcha doin tonight?"

I texted. Within a matter of five minutes he was replying.

"Hanging out with the clique, you know whatsup ;) You wanna come hang with us?"

I stared at the screen.

"Sure, what time?"

"Ehh whenever. Be there or be squared."

I laughed at the fact Jesse just typed those words, and I decided I would go around seven.


When I arrived at his house, I knew everyone was going to be there. It should've hit me sooner Zach decided to hang out with them tonight too, and I was going to make him regret it. We all had a plan.

We were going to play truth or dare, and Jesse would dare me to straddle Zach's lap. Then I would 'whisper' in his ear and I would straddle his lap instead. Then Devon would ask Zach to kiss the sexiest girl in the room. It was more of a test, and I knew Zach would pass it, and I don't think anyone should have doubts about it.

I knocked on the door, and Jesse answered.

As we approached the living room, I heard nothing but different conversations. I heard Kendall talking to Zach, also there was another thing I wanted her to bring up with him, but just not exactly tonight.

"You're back with her?" Kendall scoffed, and I practically had to keep myself from laughing. "What's so wrong with her?" Zach asked softly. "She's a dumbass. She took you're sorry ass back." Kendall stated bluntly as we walked into the living room.

"Lilly Pad in the house!" Devon and Kendall both yelled. I cringed at the use of the name Jesse use to use in the ninth grade and mentally scolded him for it. They both winked before they hugged me and I knew the plan was about to unfold.


As we circled around for truth or dare, I sat rather close to Jesse, and as far away from Zach, and he slowly was catching on, hopefully.

Kendall sat on the other unoccupied side of me, and Zach moved over next to her.

We went around the circle and it was slowly making it's way to me, and when it finally was my turn, I was really nervous. "Truth or Dare?" Jesse asked smirking, and I could see Zach look over Kendall's shoudler. "Dare." I stated. "I dare you to straddle Zach's lap for ten seconds." he said, and I leaned over and whispered "imagine llamas getting catepillars pregnant" (random I know) and sat back. "Wait change of plans. Lily straddle my lap for ten seconds." Jesse said. Everybody that wasn't in on the plan looked around, and the ones who were in played along too.

"Fuck no." I heard Zach speak up. I looked over at Zach, then back to Jesse, and then both of my legs on either side of him. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, because I knew Jesse was laughing at what I whispered into his ear, and that made me start laughing too. I decided to stay on his lap for eleven seconds then hopped off.

"Why so pissed?" I asked him. "It's not like I'm that important anyways." I added and then turned to Devon.

Zach turned away in shock and anger, pure anger I should put. He was tapping his foot impatiently and I watched in amusement as Devon spoke up to Zach. "Truth or Dare?" She asked him. "Dare." He spoke too quickly. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room."

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