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Chapter 9

I watched in horror as Zach grabbed Kendall, and planted his plump lips onto hers.

Three seconds went by and he let go. He looked over at me, and I couldn't close my mouth. Kendall looked like she was about to have a panic attack, and I didn't bother to look at the others.

I stood up quickly and ran out the door. I didn't realize the tears were real until the cold air hit my cheeks and it kinda stung. I paced back and forth and I saw Kendall, Dev, and Jesse walk out the door together.

"Lily I am so sorry I-" "It wasn't your fault." I said to Kendall and wiped my cheeks. She looked taken back. I tried to put the calmest face I could muster out of myself, but I failed when I started trembling and I could feel my throat getting tighter. I saw Zach walk out the door, looking for us, he spotted me first and walked fast over to me.

I told the others to go back inside and I didn't dare to look at Zach. I knew I would break and fall back into his arms and all the other cliche shit that girls do. This was so frustrating, but deep down I knew it was kind of my fault that it happened. We stood there in silence for a couple of seconds before he spoke.

"What the fuck was that in there?" he tried to stay calm and I knew he was failing like I was.

I stood there. I lost all train of thought.

"She was trying to get back at you, dumbass." I heard Jesse speak up behind the both of us. Zach turned around. "You ditched her tonight when she wanted to spend time with you." he said, and I could tell he was angry for slightly raising his voice at me. "What are you her boyfriend?" Zach interjected. "He's acting like a better one than you are." I spoke before I could even comprehend the words. He turned back towards me.

"What do you fucking expect me to do?" He spit out with so much venom it could've been fatal. "You come in there and basically have clothed sex for eleven seconds with our bestfriend to spite me?" He asked. "Real slutty move there." he said throwing his arms up. That stung. "You kissed our bestfriend to spite me also." I countered, but it was no use. I knew he was right. "Zach I'm sorry, I just wanted-" "No just stop." he said shaking his head, and that's when the panic set in. I let the tears come down at a fast pace. "No please don't cry." he spoke softly, and walked over to me. He wiped the tears off my cheeks. Wait, what? I looked at him. He enveloped me in a hug, and I hugged him back so tight. I didn't want to let him go.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled into his neck. "It's-it's fine." he said. I could feel his chin rest on my head as he contiuned to speak. "I've done far worse to you, and I deserved it." he said. "No you didn't." I said shaking my head slightly. "We were trying to make things better and I made things worse-" "No I think this might be ok." he said. I looked back at him. "I mean we can always have make up se-" I shielded my ears before he could finish. He smiled slightly. "Just promise me that we'll both never do something like that again?" he asked, and I nodded quickly. "Before we move on from this, one more question?" I asked. He arched his eyebrow. "Is Kendall really prettier-" "No no no." he said and I felt good about where we were leaving off. He leaned in to kiss me and I sped up the pace by bringing his face to mine by his neck. "We'll have to contiune this later." he said. "I think I have a dinner date to make up."

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