Leaving Tonight

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Chapter 2

I stummbled through the door way and dropped my bag lazily into the entrance by the coat rack. I was absolutely exhausted. Tonight just drained all that I had.

I sprinted to my bedroom and put on the usual pajama outfit. Since I lived alone, I slept in boyshorts and crop tops.

I ran back to my living room and suddenly remembered what I forgot.

Saturday nights were the nineties SpongeBob nights, and it was already half way over. I switched on the TV and fumbled with the remote control as fast as I could until I reached the channel. I sat back and relaxed.


As soon as the last episode was about to end, and I was nearly asleep, my doorbell rang.

I got up and dragged myself over to the door and lazily grabbed the knob and twisting it. I opened the door.

"Uh.. Lily?" I heard a voice I recognized immiediately. I opened my eyes a little more and saw Zach standing there. His eyes were a little puffy. "Were you asleep?' he asked. "Um.. Kinda I mean I was watching Spon- wait what are you doing here?" I asked. I was too damn tired to have my brain come up with possible reasons why Zach was at my doorway.

"I wanted to talk." he said. "I think we need to straighten things out." he said. I nodded and mentally groaned as he entered my small apartment. He sat at his usual spot on the couch, and all I wanted to do is lay my head in my lap like the old days. I sat on the opposite side.

"What happened last year, I wasn't in the best time." he started. "Everything suddenly just fell apart. My grandpa died, my mom and dad got divorced because he was cheating on her for fifteen years. I needed somebody." he said. I decided to speak up. "I could've been there." I mumbled. He nodded his head. "I know, I was stupid and realized that after I saw you walk out of my apartment." he said. "I just didn't need a relationship at the time, I don't think I could take on the responsibilty of being a commitment into something that takes two people's full focus." he said. "But you didn't have to break up with me like you did." I said. He looked down. "I just didn't want to see you after I told you. The guilt would've killed me." he said. "That would've hurt me for a week or two though, the way you did it made me hurt a whole entire year, and still counting." I told him. I saw a pained expression

"I-" he started and then stopped. He sat there for a second, and before I could do anything he leaned over and kissed me.

Things got heated, real quick. I pulled back and stared at him. "I don't think you know how long I've been wanting to do that again." I said. I leaned back in and we started kissing again. His hands roamed around various places on body, and I felt his hand snake up my shirt. "I think we should take this somewhere else." he said.

We both got up, still kissing and stumbled into the bedroom. He got my shirt and literally ripped it off. I got his shirt and pulled it off. We both tumbled onto the bed. He trailed kisses down my neck and I let out an involuntary moan. He grinded his hips into mine. He pulled off my shorts so that almost all of my body was fully exposed. I unbuckled his pants and he kicked them off onto the ground with the other discarded clothing. I stopped for a second and realized something. "Zach, what the fuck are we doing?" I asked chuckling. He smiled. "I honestly don't know."


The next morning I woke up in Zach's arms. Both of our bodies were tangled together in a way of hurt and passion, hopefully mended from the festivities that took place last night. Zach stirred a little bit and woke up. "Do you want me to make breakfast?" I asked. "Nah I probably need to be getting going, the boys are probably worried why I'm not home." he said. He got up and picked up his scattered pieces of material. He put them on quickly and before walking out, he kissed me hard on the lips. He walked out the door, leaving me consumed in my thoughts. How are we going to go from here? Are we made up? Are we a 'thing'? I didn't take much time to think about it and got up, smiling at the events that kept replaying thorugh my mind. It made my heart flutter, but I was getting way ahead of myself. I couldn't let myself fall as hard as I did, but knowing me, that was impossible.


Well that was intense! Hey guys it's me, the author of this story (obviously)

I'm sorry if this sucked. That was kind of the first kind of like sex scene I've ever written and I was literally blushing the whole time (hahah whoops)

PLLEEEAASSSEEE comment what you think about this story, and hopefully I'll be updating more often. Until then, stay dirty. (;

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