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Chapter 7

“What the fuck?” I asked myself as I heard pounding on my bedroom door.

“Lily dammit open the door.” Jesse groaned as I paced towards it. I opened it. “What do you want? It’s like seven in the morning?” I asked. He gulped, but then smiled. “Its 10:30 to be exact.” He reminded me. “Punk ass.” I mumbled. I knew he didn’t like being called that, but I did it to tease him.

He sat on my bed. “So I heard you and Zach kinda are happening again?” he asked. “Uh yeah, how did you know?” I said laughing. I felt my stomach sink a little when he sighed. “He told me this morning.” He said, but wasn’t finished and continued rambling. “- Lily I don’t know if you should give him another shot. He’s done some pretty stupid things, and you’re like a little sister to all of us. He’s not telling you things and I just don’t want to lose you or see you get hurt again.” He stated in a long sentence.

“Wait- he’s not telling me things?” I asked, my stomach sinking lower. “I’m not in the position to tell you that kind of thing.” He said getting up. “And I’m not in position for your choices, but you’re pretty stupid to take him back for all the shit he has done to you, and I’m not talking about just last year.” He said heading towards the door. “Good luck though, maybe he will come through.” He added, shrugging his shoulders and walking out the door.

I sat there for a second. Maybe we should go to dinner or something tonight, and I should let him bring it up? I don’t want to be straightforward and accuse him of things, but I don’t want to be the dumb bitch not knowing what’s the four-one-one.  I picked up my phone.

“Dinner tonight?” I texted him. In seconds he replied.

“Not tonight, kind of busy with friends, tomorrow? (:”  he responded. Just like the old times.

“I don’t know, see you later.” I texted him back, and hopefully he could sense my disappointment through the simple structure of the sentence, but knowing him, he probably thinks I’m fine, because I totally am at the moment. I’m totally fine with him choosing his friends over me when we’re trying to build our relationship back up. It’s all good though, because I’ll end up forgiving him apparently.

Zach’s POV

“Who are you texting now?” Kendall asked me. I looked up from my spot on the couch. “Is it Lillian?” she asked smirking. I nodded. “You’re back with her?” she scoffed and I frowned. “What’s so wrong with her?” I asked. Lily was a very nice girl, and she wasn’t even like prude or anything. “She’s a dumbass.” Kendall stated bluntly. “She took your sorry ass back.” She said shrugging her shoulders. I’m tired of everyone saying that dammit. I’ve done some things in the past, why can’t I just make mistakes sometimes?

I would really rather be at dinner with Lily, and maybe getting some tonight, but I knew Jesse went to her apartment and warned her. He told me he was going to do it. And I knew I pissed her off  by choosing this party over her.  I heard a knock at the door and Jesse smiled and got up. He opened the door and my breathing hitched for a second.

Lily walked through the door with a tights and a white t-shirt on. Her boots were unlaced and slung to the ground and her hair looked like heaven. Damn I sounded like fucking Shakespeare. “Lilly Pad in the house!” Kendall and Devon cheered at the same time and ran over to her, while Mikey and Lauren stayed in the corner chatting briefly amongst themselves. They had a nice relationship. Lilly glanced over in my direction but then turned quickly. This was going to get interesting.

Lily sat next to Jesse and Kendall sat next to me as we played truth or dare. Really cliché I know, but things get interesting, and that’s all I need. It was Jesse’s turn and I knew he had intentions. “Truth or dare?” he mumbled to her as he took a drag of a cigarette. “Dare.” She said smirking. Everyone looked around holding their breaths. Shit was about to go down, I could feel it. “Go straddle Zach’s lap for ten seconds.” He said. Lily looked over at me, and then whispered something to Jesse. His eyes got wide. “Wait change of plans. Lily straddle my lap for ten seconds.” Jesse stated.

“Fuck no.” I interrupted the game. Lily looked over at me. She straddled onto Jesse’s lap and everyone looked around and whistled. Lily grinded on his lap and Jesse laughed and so did she, and if I didn’t know any better I could mistaken them as a couple.

11 fucking seconds. I counted while tapping my foot. Lily got off. “Why so pissed?” she asked. “It’s not like I’m not that important anyways.” She said. I gulped. She was beyond pissed, she was hurt. That gives her no fucking right-

“Zach truth or dare?” Devon asked, breaking the intense death glare I was giving Jesse, who looked pretty satisfied with himself. “Dare.”  I challenged.

“I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room.” She answered quickly. Payback’s a bitch.

I turned over to Kendall, cupped her cheek, and planted my lips onto hers.




I let go and looked around. Everyone had their jaws on the ground, and I lastly looked at Lily. She had tears in her eyes and I knew I just fucked up everything that we just fixed. She got up abruptly and walked out the door, Kendall, Devon, and Jesse following her.

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