Chapter 1: A Dark Beggining

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(A/N: Time to pick up were we ended! If you haven't read A New Hope, you should read that first then this... We will wait. Go..... I said go read you fool!! And who read it already. This is straight after the end. Enjoy the story!!)
P.O.V. (Y/n)

"Yes." You answered, staring back up at Cinder. The night was dark and cold. Just like her, or even maybe my soul.

"Good boy, now Neo. Where's Roman?" Cinder asked looking at Neo, causing her to look sad,"He didn't make it? Did he?"Neo shook her head. "Stupid fool. O'Well, the plan stays the same." You look over to Neo who had tears in her eyes.

She must have really loved him... Sadly love IS a lie, or a waste of time... I the end you only have a broken heart..

You tap Neo on the shoulder, she turned to you. You had your arms open," it's okay, you're not the only one." She hugged you tight in silence. You felt her crying, you patted and rugged her back. You could feel your blood coming out of your body, every movement more blood would come out. Neo didn't notice the blood.

You look around, Cinder was gone. She must have left after finding out the news. "Hey Neo, let's go back to the place you were talking about. You can use my hoodie for warmth if need." She nodded, letting go of you, you took off your hoodie. "Here." You handed her the hoodie, after she put it on you both began walking. Every step you felt a sharp pain in your side. After awhile she noticed the on your hoodie. Your shirt was just a bright red, but the blood was noticeable

Son of a Bitch!! This really hurts! I WILL kill you Weiss for this!

Neo looked at you. "What?..." You asked, she just turned around. As the pain got worse with each step, you noticed you were dripping,"Fucking hell." Neo turned and rolled her eyes.

That's what she was staring at...

"Can we stop for a minute?" You knelled down. Neo stopped and folded her arms. "Sorry I was in paled." You chuckled. You coughed up blood. "Damn, you must have something important. Neo, how much longer in miles?" She shook her head," how much longer?" She held up three fingers. "Minutes?" She nodded yes. "Oh thank god" you slowly got up.

"God, please tell me you have medical aid at your house." She nodded her head yes. Your neck was burning from the rope. She stopped, looking forward I saw her small little house. "That it?" Neo nodded. "Yay.." You said with a faint voice. As Neo walks to the door your vision becomes blurred.

Not this shit again!

Before you could get inside you clasped. Neo turned around, she rushed over to you just as you feel unconscious...

P.O.V. Neo

As I opened the door, the guy fell unconscious. I dragged him inside. Removing his shirt, I saw that the stab wound went straight though his right side of his back to the front. Must have been a lot of force.

He looks cute when he's out cold.... I know I kissed his cheek back when Cinder first came into view, but I realize how alone I was looking at him by himself trying to hang himself. I had to cheer him up.

As I started to clean the blood off him, all I could thing about is how Roman died, Tears started to form in my eyes. Roman was like a dad to me. It was horrible watching him as I floated away. Now with Cinder making (Y/n) his replacement. I don't know if I could trust this guy. He lost most of his blood on the way here. I wouldn't be surprised if grim found us. All of this was terrible, I took off (Y/n)'s hoodie and placed it under his head. As I began to stitch his wound I saw that his wallet was sticking out. I quickly finished to look though it. He went to beacon. He had a team too. He began to wake up in the middle of me going through his wallet.

I grabbed my umbrella and hit his head, causing him to be knocked out. I put his wallet next to him and took his scroll. He had so many pictures. I started going though all of them. I got to the deleted photos and saw each team RWBY member.

Was he close with them!? Was he a spy on us!? This boy just keeps getting more and more interesting!

I stopped going through his phone and waited for him to wake up.

A New Hope 2: A Dark Begining (Male Reader x Neo)Where stories live. Discover now