Chapter 5: Mission>Kill

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Two Weeks Later....

(A/N: Yes two weeks, one week to get train and another to travel....)

P.O.V. (Y/n)

You, Neo, and Cinder watched the Schnee household.

"This is boring, when can we kill them!?" You said with a pissy tone. I've been wanting to kill Weiss more and more everyday as you watched her. She was always so happy, like she didn't care about in-paling you. You gritted your teeth.

"Calm down, the time will come when we attack. We can't afford to lose this. I will take down the oldest, (Y/n) and Neo I leave you Weiss." Cinder said in a clam and collective voice. You and Neo nodded in agreement.

After it got late into the night, Weiss and Winter went for there nightly talks. As you, Cinder, and Neo begin to move up you her them talking," Still is a shame a great warrior as himself died... Speaking of which, what happened to (Y/n)?" Winter asked sipping her tea.

"I don't know, he was in my way and I left him at beacon." Winter glazed into Weiss's eyes," You telling me he is died? From what you have done?
Or was it for your teams sake. I thought you grew to like him..." Winter added.

"For the Team's Sake, I couldn't ju-" winter cut her off," I don't care it's over and done, now we can only hide it." You jumped out of cover," OR YOU CAN DIE!!" You slashed your sword breaking the floor. Both moved out of the way. There only was a pathway and a grassy field no hiding or running.

"For a child you sure are strong like a man." Cinder commented.

"(Y-Y/n)! What are you doing with Cinder!!" Weiss yelled out pulling out her sword.

"Getting revenge!" You smirked as you rushed Weiss. She went to block a sword, only to lose footing from under her from your own foot. As she fell you turned to check on Cinder, she was chasing after Winter. Neo watched as you fought," you know Weiss you caused me a lot of pain!" You stabbed her with your sword in the upper chest. She screamed in pain.

"What? That's how I felt when I lost my Team, my love life, and!" You pulled out the sword and put it to her head," when you in-paled me!" You began to swing only to have your sword stop, you turned your head to see a old Qrow.

"I didn't think I fucked with you this bad...." I pulled away from him. I stabbed Weiss again,"Bleed out bitch..." I turned to Qrow. He was getting ready to attack. I saw Cinder telling me she finished off Winter.

"Sorry old man I got to go." With a final slice of your sword, you be headed Weiss, Just as Qrow attacked, Neo used her semblance to cause a mirror affect, hitting Qrow. When he looked back up you both were gone.

"Son of a bitch!" Qrow yelled looking at the two lifeless body next him.

As You, Cinder, and Neo head back to base. You heard laughter, causing you to stop. Cinder and Neo looked at you," What is it?"

"Laughter, like someone I knew....." As you run towards it Cinder stands still," I'm going back to HQ you bring him back in one piece okay?" Neo nodded.

As You ran to the laughter, you felt alive again. But why? Neo grabbed your hand, you turned to face her. She smiled and grabbed the back of your head and bought you into a kiss.

P.O.V. Neo

It was now or never, we won't have any other alone time, and I really just want a kiss." I grabbed his hand. He turned to me, before he could say a word I grabbed the back of his head and bought his lips with mine.


I felt his warm lips. He was kissing back too! We slowly pulled away from each other, "So does this mean we are?...... " he began, I nodded.

"Awesome!" He said in a happy tone.

P.O.V. (Y/n)

She kissed me, I felt my heart beat go faster, time seemed to stay still. As we slowly pulled away I asked," So does this mean we are?....." She nodded her head," Awesome!" I said with a happy tone, then I heard the laughter again, as I made my way though a forest I saw him......

"Jaune....." I whispered to myself. He was with three others.... Who were they?

(A/N: YAY!!! So death, now I can continue without losing my shit. Anyways, so you found Jaune, but who is he with?......)

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