Chapter 7: Control

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~Time Skip: A week later, at Neo's house, planning out how to kill Blake and Yang. You still can't decide, till someone decided to join in~

P.O.V. (Y/n)

If I go for Yang, her mother could come after me, with here father and sister, but Blake has Adam.... Fucking Adam. He is in our operations. What am I supposed to do? Adam would be pissed, Cinder would have my ass, while if I go to Yang she can't fight but her family..... Maybe Ruby and the others would go there.....

As you begin to lose yourself in thought, it was night and you were laying in bed. You looked up just staring, hopping to figure out what to do. All of a sudden Neo came out of her room, she was in her night outfit. (A pink loose shirt, with brown shorts) She looked sad, she walked over to you. Staring back you got confused. You picked up your phone and saw you had a text from her.

<I can't sleep, mind....... Sleeping with me?> you looked back at Neo who was red. "Sure." You got up and walked her to her bed. As you got in she cuddled to your chest. (You sleep shirtless deal with it, but you do wear sweats) she felt warm. She put her hand on your chest and the other next to her chest. You put  your arm around her. You could tell she was enjoying this. You smirked, she closed her eyes and after awhile you felt her pass out. As you look at her, you kissed her forehead, and closed your eyes for sleep.

You know, You're just stalling. It's hopeless. Just give up! Like you did in the woods!

I'm tired of giving up, I'm standing my ground.

Well said boy, but you WILL give in. You will need my power to over come others!

Or, I have a group of friends. Who will help me.

Cinder? She is using you to get to your brother. She wants both of your powers.

Then she would have already took mine.

We will see..... You put to much trust in others you foolish boy.

As you drift off, all you could think about is killing Blake and Yang. The voice just faded away as you drifted off.

As you wake up, Neo was still cuddling with you, she was sound asleep. You didn't want to wake her so. You stayed still, staring at the ceiling.

Sleep well? after you passed out while I was talking!

Do you ever shut up? Seriously it gets annoying.

Do you ever stop being in a bitchy mood?

Fair point, Anyways, what do you want? Can't you let me be?

I want you to give in! And No, I'm the darkness inside you....

They A, you suck at being "darkness" and B I thought you said you were a angel or a guardian, the fuck.

I was tricking you, You are really stupid.

You are a annoying voice who doesn't know when to shut up!

Neo began to wake up," Morning Neo!" You smiled at her. She smiled back with joy.

I'm going to enjoy killing her....

Over my dead body!!


Neo got out of bed, and went to change. As you got out and did the same, the voice kept bugging you.

Why do you dress emo?

Why are you so judgmental?

As you put on your black hoodie, with red inside. You look at your weapon. "I need unlock more of my semblance...." As you sit down to relax and open your mind. All you hear is the voice.

Yes, bring me closer to my goals! Let me be free!! Let me KILL!!!

Neo saw you trying to relax and open your mind. She then kiss d your forehead and left. You sat quietly for hours, trying to open your mind. Free it from all stress and let pain flow through your body to unlock more of your semblance.

You felt the pain. The pain of Yang cheating on you. You felt the Blake of Blake betraying you. You felt the pain of Ruby breaking up with you. Qrow backstabbing you. And the pain of Weiss stabbing you. You felt your blood rush. Before you could continue you stood up.

"Not in here...." You said aloud to yourself. You walked outside. You looked upward to see the Beacon tower, grim were heading toward it.

"Damn, poor Ozpin." You walk to the city. You stare at all the empty shops some would have grim, others had nothing, but corpses. You walked to the front of Beacon. Grim surrounded the area.


You're a fucking idiot.

You sat yourself down. You closed your eyes. You begin to picture everything that happened. Yang all the way to Weiss. Near the end when you could tell you were about to snap, the grim noticed you. They charged you. You felt there force rush you. You shot up, from siting down. You saw all the grim around you.

"Let's begin"

(A/N: Cliff hanger cause I'm a ass!)

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