Chapter Five

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Skylar's POV:

Finally my plan is working. Now Step Two is finished. Get Nathan to get punched in the face. He he well this is going very smoothly than I expected. I pulled out of my thoughts when I heard Nicole's voice.

"Nathan, are you ok?" she asked looking at my face for any marks

"Yea I'm fine. Nothing happened." I said

"It's a miracle that Eric didn't hit you or anything."

Who? Oh yea.....

"Yea some miracle." I chuckled

"Well I gotta get inside before Eric has a panic attack. Bye." she waved

As she was walking back I couldn't help but look at her ass. Wow, she must do lots of exercise. What was I drooling over her? Stop thinking about her! Don't let her get to your mind!

I walk back home and I hear a groaning Nathan upstairs.

"Having fun Nath." I smirked

"Shut the Fuck up." he groaned

"Hey it ain't my fault that you were raping her." I said

"I wasn't trying to rape her. I wouldn't want to hurt her." he said looking down

"Um, earth to Nathan. You already have. For four years now." I said

"Well I.." he hesitated

"My point is." I smirked

"Just leave me alone." he said laying back down

"Sure." I shrugged

I walk downstairs and just being myself. Unlike someone.

Nathan's POV:

Why does Skylar have to be born? Why couldn't I be the only child or something. But Noooo I had a fucking twin brother that hates me for no reason. Urgh why did he had to come back! Why couldn't he stay in London and be far away from Nicole and me. Fuck.

Well I somewhat deserve the punch. I ignored Nicole all these years and it did kind of looked like I was rapping her, but why did I have to open my big mouth! Why couldn't I just be quiet and not face any physical contact.

* Next Morning *

My face still fucking hurts! I have a fucking migraine that feels like a drum. And I can't move. Why today! Why from all of the past days, it had to be today!

"Do you mind if I be you for today?" smirked Skylar

"Go on, I don't give a fuck." I groaned

"Hehe good choice." he chuckled

"Leave now!" I yelled then groaning in pain I had caused again

"Hey don't move till I get back. Comprende?" he said

"Yes!" I said

Yippie for me. I get to stay in bed all day while he could make everything worse for me. Urgh fuck my life.. oh wait, it already has.

Skylar's POV:

I walk out and I get greeted by some guy.

"Hey Nathan! You want a ride in my car?" he said

"Um, sure.." I said

"Everything alright? You seem off guard. That emo girl didn't get to you?" he said

"Who Nicole. Pssh please, she's not worth my time." I said

"There's the Nathan I was waiting for." he playfully punched my shoulder

"Whatever let's get going." I said getting in

We drive up to the student parking lot for school and we get off and then cheerleaders come our way. Hey I can get used to this.

"Hey Nathan." one shrieked in my ear

God no wonder she's a cheerleader

"Hey." I said giving her a smile Nathan would give

Then the corner of my eye I see Nicole. She's wearing black jeans and a grey sweater. Nothing much, but she still looks pretty....Woah...Woah...Woah again was I falling for her? No. I have to stick to the plan. But she's so pretty. No Skylar stop!

"You like her?" the same cheer leader squeaked

"What no." I chuckled

"Good. Cause your all mine." she said coming closer to me

"You got that right." I smirked

Nathan's POV:

While Skylar was away I went into his bedroom and tried looking for clues to why he hates me. I walk into his room, everything looked normal. I come round his bed and I see something poking out of his pillow. I grab it to find out it's a journal. Well then.

I flip through some pages. Empty. I flipped again. Wait I saw something. I flip back to the page that had writing on it:

'You actually think I'll have a fucking journal. I'm not gay.'

I groaned and put the journal back to its original spot and keep looking for actual clues.

I get to his drawer and find a picture of both of us. I turn it over and what seems to be a piece of paper I grab it:

'Nope. Think again.'

Once again Skylar is smarter than me. Urgh why is it so hard to find a simple clue! I give up and go back to my room and groan until my head decides to just pry off. Then I wouldn't hurt Nicole or hurt anyone in the future.......

~ Hello my Little Rocketeers!! Sorry its a sucky chapter but I just wrote this quickly. I promise that tomorrow there will be some action in this. Cross my heart. Ok bye Xxx ~


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