Chapter Seven

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Have you ever had those days where it feels like your banging your head on a metal door? Or forget half of the things that happened yesterday? Well that's me at the moment. The only thing I remember is Nathan pulling me out of the club and me snapping at his face. I go downstairs and get myself some pain killers for my headache. I grab two pain killers and downed it with water on my way back to my room. And see the messages Nathan sent me before he rung me.

Message One:

'Nicole, where are you, it's Nath. x'

Message Two:

'Answer your phone, we need to talk.'

Message Three:

'Why are you doing this? Why are you being such a slut Nicole? Out of everything, that's one thing I thought you'd never be.'

I cant believe he thought I'd ever do anything with some guy I'd only just met, seriously?! I'm starting to really question everything that's ever been between us, it feels like a lie now. I just wanted to move on with my lite now and forget about everything, everything that's ever upset me, but I can't. I can't as long as I know Nathan and whenever I'm near him or I hear his beautiful voice, see him round school. It. doesn't make sense to be upset over a guy you used to spend hours with. How could we both be so apart now?

"Nicole, someone's at the door for you." Eric yelled

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, it shouldn't be Nathan. He wouldn't be here already, he should be at football practice! No, it can't be him, it'll just be Melissa.

And it was Melissa. I opened the door after cautiously looking through the spy hole.

"Crazy night, last night huh?!" she yelled

"Shhhhhh." I shushed, "Eric's upstairs."

"Oops. Oh anyways did Nathan tell you?"

"Oh, that you told him I was at the club." I exclaimed

"Yea sorry about that." she looked at the ground

"It's ok, but why would you tell him!" I yelled

"He made me. If. I didn't do it he would've done something." she said

"Ooh, so you coming in?" I asked

"No, just stopped by. See ya at school tomorrow. Bye." she waved

"Bye." I waved back

I heads back upstairs. I looked absolutely hungover. I was wearing leggings and a large white shirt, that fit me as a dress. My hair was a mess, I didn't fix it, I doubt I would be doing anything today.


My yummy started doing flops and i was all of a sudden nervous, 'it won't be him' I reminded myself. Then I remembered Melissa just left a couple of seconds ago.

My heart stopped. Like literally, I couldn't breath, I went numb. I opened my mouth but no words came out to the boy that stood there before me, Nathan.

He was wearing the same clothes he had last night, beige chingos and a plain white shirt. He looked drawn out, like he hadn't had a blink of sleep. That makes two of us.

I looked down, I couldn't face him right now.

"Nicole, don't do that." I looked up into his sad dazzling green eyes. He was doing his puppy eyes, he knew I loved it when he did that. I wanted to cuddle with him and tell him I didn't care if he only wanted me when no one was around, just as long as I could be near him.

But I couldn't, I was stronger then that. I needed to show him I was.

"Do what?"

"Looking anywhere but me." I saw his lip twitching it always does that when he was nervous. "Like... I'm the last person you want to talk to."

"Maybe you are."

"Nicole." he grabbed my hand but I pulled it away, "Please don't, I can't bear this."

He sounded like he was on the edge of crying, only once I seen him cry and that was when his dog passed away.

He went to grab my hand, but this time I let him. Urgh why am I such a softie?

"I need to know we're ok? I cant bear this feeling of not speaking to you, its tearing me apart. I-i", he looked deeply into my eyes, "I couldn't eat or sleep because, all I kept thinking about was you. The way you smile, the way you laugh even when nothing isn't funny, the way you held back your tears to not worry anyone. The way we chased each other at the park."

Now it was my turn to blush, he started squeezing my hand.

"And here I am." he laughed nervously, "at the front porch of my best friend's house just hoping, I haven't lost her forever... Have I?"

Had he? I didn't even know.

I thought back to what he said and I couldn't help but smile when the memories of the park started setting in.

________________ONE YEAR AGO_____________

I was running, I felt the burn go through my legs, I loved it. I was way ahead of Nathan. I keep looking over my shoulder to see where he is.

"I'm coming closer princess."

I sprinter even faster until I felt two arms lift me up.

"NATHAN!! PUT ME DOWN!!" I laughed

He sets me down. Me laying on his chest. I liked losing better. I get to snuggle with him and it makes him really happy. He holds me as if I was 'his girl'. And I loved that feeling.

He rested his chin on my shoulder, his breath right on my neck. If he only knew that I liked him. I sit between his legs and watch the sunset together. He kissed the top of my head and hugged me tighter.

"You know the sunset is beautiful today." Nathan said

"Yea it is." I nodded

I look to where he was and his face was only a few inches away from mine. This is the moment I share my first kiss.

I just waited until I felt his soft lips on mine.

"NATHAN! STOP!" I said laughing

He was tickling me to death. My sides were hurting and I coughing from how much air left me when laughing.

"Nicole..." he started


Nathan's eyes were about to pop out of his head.

"Uh yea Matt."

"I thought it was you. For a second I thought it was someone else from the freak that was next to you."

"Um I should get going." I said

"Yea go off. Next time don't ask me to hang out with you again. Now leave!" he said

I turn around to see his eyes full of sadness from what he had said to me. He knew they hurt me, but he didn't do anything differently. I went home that day and cried myself to sleep like always.

________________END OF MEMORY____________

I looked up at him. I knew he was always gonna choose them, I was stronger now then that girl at the park. That memory decided on the words I was going to say back to him.

"The answer to your question is..." I took a deep breath, come on be strong, "Is yes.", I saw his eyes lit up.

"You have lost me forever."

~ OMG!! DID YOU HEAR THAT!! NATHAN LOST HER FOREVER!! :O Any who, comment down below and tell me what you think of this chapter. Hope you guys like this chapter!

Bye my Little Rocketeers Xx ~


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