Chapter Ten

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Nicole's POV:

What a way to start off my Monday morning. By the sound of my alarm beeping telling me to get my lazy ass off the bed and get ready for school. Yep this is morning.

I get all ready and what not for school and head on over to the bus stop. Eric said when he has enough money he might buy me a car. He doesn't want Nathan near me on the bus. I wait what seems forever for the bus to come. I can't blame the bus driver, he doesn't want to wake up early and pick up kids, even me, I wouldn't do that.

I take my usual seat in the front. Its surprising Nathan didn't come on the bus. I make it to school and head over to my locker and get my stuff for class, like any other day.

Now that Nathan isn't around me anymore I feel so, empty. Even though we won't talk to each other here, I still felt safe. Now that he isn't, I don't.

God, dammit! Thinking of Nathan again! Get a grip of yourself Nicole!

As my mind was somewhere in space I accidentally bump into some one. Great.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?"

I looked up to see who I had bumped into. His eyes were grey exactly like mine. Shaved head and a thick accent.

"Are you ok?' he asked one more time

"Um, yea. Do I know you?" I asked

"My names Max. I don't go to school here. Just came to drop off my little sister." he smiled

Max. Where have I heard that name? Oh, Melissa!

"Melissa's your sister right?" I asked

"Yea, how'd you know." he said

"She told me about you." I smiled

As he was about to answer me the first bell rings.

"I gotta go. Sorry for bumping into you." he said

"It's fine. Bye." I waved

As I was walking to English I hear him call me, "Wait! I didn't get a name."

"My names Nicole." I yelled

"Well see you at my party Nicole." he winked

I have a feeling that Saturday is a day for me to remember and forget. Forget about Nathan and detach from him, once and for all.

Nathan's POV:

I come running to school fairly quickly. As soon as I make it on the steps the first bell rings. Shit. Then I see a guy I have never seen before walk out. I walk pass him and he yelled.

"Wait! I didn't get a name!" he yelled

Probably a new kid or something. Or an expelled student I haven't heard about.

"My names Nicole."

Wait. Nicole! Who ever this guy is clearly knows who's Nicole, and I do not like that.

"Well see you at my party Nicole." he winked at Nicole

That made me furious inside. Him winking at Nicole. And Nicole probably going to his party with Melissa. God who knows what she does.

I need to talk to Nicole about her going to that party.

I walk inside looking for her, but she was gone. Urgh, why is she so hard to look for? Why couldn't she wait at least to say hi at me. Of course she doesn't want to see me. She hates me and I will never have her back. Ever.

Lunch time. Its the only time I see Nicole, but I can't. Matthew's always with me. And just seeing her sit be herself crushes my heart. She hardly eats food at school. She's scared people might call her fat. I honestly don't know why people call her fat. She's so perfect. She was perfect to me.

I don't eat at lunch. I couldn't stop thinking about Nicole and that guy together in the same room. It disgusts me.

"Nathan." Matthew said pulling me out of my thoughts

"What!" I said

"I said for the fifth time are you gonna eat." he said

"No. Not hungry." I said

"You sure?" he said

"Yes, I'm sure. Why you ask?" I said

"Well I was gonna steal it from her, to give it to you." he said facing where Nicole is at

"No you don't have to." I said

"Bullshit. I'm getting it." he said standing up

"No, stop Matthew." I said standing up as well

"Fine. But I ain't getting you food tomorrow." he said siting back down

I didn't respond to him. I just sat back down and looked where Nicole was. She was gone.

I look around the cafeteria to see where she went off to, but no sight of her. Shit.

As the last bell rings, I run out the doors and look for Nicole, again. Then I see her wearing my red beanie I gave her in the distance. I walk closer to her and stop dead infront of her. She looks up and fear covers her eyes. Its the first time I'm near her around the school.

"What are you doing?" she whispered with an anger tone

"I need to talk to you." I said

"Talk to me? I think you have done enough." she said walking past me

"Nicole." I said grabbing her wrist

"Let go." she said

"Not until I tell you something." I growled pulling her closer to me

"Nathan, your scaring me." she said with fear in her voice

"Good." I said pulling her while we walk

She hasn't said a word since we left the school grounds. It scares me. This silence never lasted like this. I hated it.

As we reach her house I finally let go. When she realized that I let go, she ran. I catch her by her waist and pulled her back. She groaned when I caught her again. I turn her so she's facing me

"Nicole, please tell me you're not going to that party on Saturday." I said straight into her eyes

"What party?" she lied

"Nicole, both of us know you're a horrible liar." I smiled

"I'm not lying. I'm not going to that party. I already told Melissa that I'm not going." she said

"Really? Well, then your free." I said letting go of my hands from her waist

"Thanks." she said walking to her door

I was about to tell something, but Matthew's car came by me.

"Hey Nathan, I've been looking for you. Get in." he said

I look back to see if Nicole went inside and I get in the car.

I have this feeling Nicole isn't telling me the truth. Her eyes never show lies, unlike for other people. I'm just hoping she is telling me truth. I don't want anything bad happen to her.

~ Hello my Rocketeers! Well I updated the first chapter that I promised. Hope you guys enjoyed it! :D Please tell me in the comments if you liked the chapter or the story so far!

Bye my Precious Rocketeers xx ~


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