Chapter Twenty Seven

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Nicole's POV:

"Who's gonna be?" that question roamed around my head. I didn't even knew the answer to that question.

If I choose Skylar, he might change, but I couldn't see past the things he tried to do to me before. Like killing me.

My memory was returning, slowly, but surely. I'm remembering the best times of my life and worst times. I just couldn't decide, well they look identical. It's not like that episode of AWKWARD. where you clearly saw the differences between Matty and Jake! Well that's not the case, well maybe a little bit.

If I choose Nathan, I was too worried he'll leave me and never return, like he has done for all these years. What if he never changes? That's the only bad thing about Nathan, not knowing if he'll stay or leave.

Now that my memory has fully returned, I have made a decision.

"The twin I am officially staying with is...." I looked at both of them

I stayed quiet for a bit, and tried to imagine my life with either one of them. Maybe me and Nathan would have a family. If me and Skylar were to be together, he might become more of a criminal than he already is.

"Is...neither." I said

"What?" Both of them said

"Yep you heard me. End of case. Zip. Zero. Nada." I said walking away

"Nicole, wait!" both of them said

"C'mon, we could work this out!" Skylar said

"Yea, c'mon Nicole." Nathan said

"Nope, I made my decision." I walked faster

This felt like a movie moment, where the girl had to choose her true love, but chose neither. All of us just walking to our cars and our voices disappearing into the thin air. The sunset appearing, and the two words that end every movie and book.

The End

A/N: Plot Twist MOTHER PLUCKERS!!!!!!!!! >.< ^.^

Hehehehehe you guys will hate me!!! lol but its so worth it ^.^ Ok so this is the end of WTAIFF. And let the tears pour down onto the screen!!! ;)

You guys make me so proud!!! I thought this story wasn't going to be good, but it worked!!!

So bye guys :'''(


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