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If I was going to be honest with myself, and myself only, I could admit that I was thinking about Jordan more and more and was definitely forgetting about Rebecca. I reread our messages often when we weren't together, which I'd done with Amanda too many times to count. I barely paid attention to Becca in the shop because Jordan was coming to visit as well. Before I even really noticed it, Jordan had me, and I didn't mind too much.

"I have some bad news," Becca said as she approached the counter.

It was Saturday, and today she came in way later than her usual time. She looked flustered; her hair was a mess and she had minimal make up on. Her outfit consisted of sneakers, a hoodie, and jeans. It'd been a while since I'd seen her look so casual and normal. It looked good.

"Well, tell me," I told her and began to make her drink and Thomas cashed her out.

"I can't tutor you tomorrow, or Monday. I forgot about this volunteer thing I signed up for at my church and I'll be gone starting tomorrow until Wednesday."


"I'm so sorry. I know I probably should've said something sooner. I'm a horrible tutor."

"Can't disagree with that," Thomas muttered under his breath.

"Hush." I passed off the coffee to Becca. "You're not a horrible tutor, you're actually helping me. I'll just try studying on my own, and looking over the assignments. It's all good."

I forced a smile until she walked away despite the fact I was annoyed with her entire existence. She was cancelling too often and I wasn't getting any better at Economics without her. The only thing that lightened my mood was when Jordan walked in and pretended to ask me about all the drinks on the menu in order to talk to me. She didn't have to do that though. Will and Michaela weren't even around.

"You look upset, what's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine," I assured.

"Come on, how many 'I'm fine's do you think I've heard, just like that one? Tell me or I won't speak to you ever again."

"Like you could ever resist me," I said, and laughed.

"I'm more tempting than you are."

She leant onto the counter on her elbows and looked directly in my eyes. I didn't know if she was more tempting but she piqued my interest in ways I didn't understand.

"Right," I said using her favorite tone of choice, sarcasm.

"I'll just wait for your response, and while I am, please make me one of your lovely French vanilla coffees, medium size."

"Okay fine. I'm just," I paused and looked over at Becca, who was watching me already. She lowered her eyes back to her laptop and I lowered my voice. "Rebecca is supposed to be tutoring me in Econ and she keeps cancelling. I'm still failing, and I'm not getting any work done on my own."

"I can help you if you want. I have a lot of time on my hands and I wouldn't mind spending it with you – even if it's spent doing Economics work."

"Are you sure? I mean, you probably have work of your own to do."

"Yes, I'm sure. Just accept my help."

"Thank you so much. I have no idea what I'd do without you," I said, and began making her coffee because Thomas hadn't moved. He was sitting on my stool, texting someone.

"I think you'd be waiting for Little-Miss-Busy other there for another week." she chuckled but I didn't smile. "Sorry was that mean?"

"No, no. I just didn't laugh because I know it's true."

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