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When I arrived at school, I stood outside for a while before I decided to go in. It felt like not enough time had passed since the event yesterday. People passed me, some even bumped me without apologizing. A few stared at me, probably spectators from yesterday. My throat closed up as I thought about going in. I took a step with my Vans covered foot, but I didn't go far. The wind continued to fly into my eyes as I waited for nothing to happen and it made my eyes water. Blinking only made it look like I was crying. It was embarrassing to say the least; I couldn't even walk in and I looked like I was so affected by yesterday that I was crying at just the sight of the building. It looked pathetic.

I took one step, then another, and another until I was finally inside. I stood just inside the door and let the students walk around me. I realized they were all in their own worlds as well, with their own problems, their own Becca's and Jaz's. My locker was in front of me so I put in my combination. Someone appeared next to me but I ignored them until my locker was open. It turned out to be Jordan.

"Good morning," she said. "Have you been crying?"

"No it was just the wind. Promise."

She still looked like she didn't believe me. I did find out a lot of shocking things yesterday but I didn't shed a single tear over it. With the extent of everyone and everything involved, I probably should've cried for a few hours. I was proud that I wasn't going to give Jaz or Becca that satisfaction. I hadn't seen either of them yet.

"You know, there's no shame in crying."

I turned to look at her fully and saw that she was standing a few inches taller than she used to. She had on heels – well ankle booties to be exact – jeans rolled up at the bottom, and a blue and white striped sweater. Jordan's hair was disheveled and messy, but in a good way.

"Yes, I know. In case you forgot, I cried in front of you."

"I remember. Why don't you let me walk you to class?" she asked.

After so long of her avoiding me, it was weird to be around her again. I allowed her to walk me to my math class. It was a quiet walk but a long one. There were just as many stares as when I walked in this morning, a few more now that Jordan was next to me. She didn't seem to notice or be bothered by all the looks. She caught me staring but only smiled in response. As we reached the classroom finally, it got awkward. It felt like the time after I'd gone to the mall with Rebecca. Deciding how to say goodbye to someone I liked wasn't easy even though this wasn't the first time with Jordan. I guess I'd forgotten how to be just friends with girls.

"I'll see you later. Have a good class," she said, smiling.

She patted my arm and walked away. I guess that was the proper way to say goodbye. I sat in the back of the class thinking instead of focusing. At this point in the year, the only kids still paying attention were the ones going to Ivy League schools. They saved me from having to participate much. I jumped a bit in my seat when the bell rang. Unexpectedly, Jordan was waiting for me outside of the room.

"Am I gonna get a personal escort to all my classes?" I asked.

"Until I'm sure that Rebecca and Jaz are gonna leave you alone, yes you will. Do you have a problem with that?"

She kept her head straight while she talked and weaved through the crowd.

"It's cute that you want to protect me," I said.

"Thank you."

"But you don't need to. Becca tried to protect me before but the only one who can save me from Jaz is me."

"I think I'll take my turn as body guard. I'm not scared of Jaz or scared to actually put my foot down. I got you, always. That's what friends are for, right?"

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