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"Mornin', Luke, and welcome to the Dunshire militia. Let's start your training, shall we?" Said the man who hired Luke. "Now, put that sword to work. We have a training dummy over here, go ahead and hit it." Luke ran over to the dummy and started slashing at it. After a little while, the dummy fell over. "Nice work," said the man. "I've seen many people fail the test, but you are something special, Luke."
Luke responded with, "I don't really like swords. I've been thinking about becoming an archer, actually."
"That is wonderful news!" Exclaimed the man. "Here is a simple hunting bow, your quiver, a dagger for close range combat, and a potion."
"Where can I go next?" Asked Luke.
"I would suggest going to the nearby town of Eston." Replied the man.
This was going to be great. Luke set off to Eston, and so his story began.

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