Fool/The Capital

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Luke was glad he burned the almanac, but was afraid the witch would try to kill him if he told her. Should I tell her, or should I not? Thought Luke. Why not?
So Luke went to the witch's hut. "Hey, so you know the almanac you sent me to find?" Luke started. "Well, I kinda burned it to free the person inside of it."
At first the witch was stolid, but she was slowly building up more rage.
"You... FOOL!!" And with that, the witch started blasting unholy magic out of her staff at Luke.
"Oh fartkernoppledip, I'm out of here." Luke dodged the blasts and ran out of the forest. That was too close, Luke thought. Why did I do that?

Luke decided to go to the Capital to catch up on the Solar Crystal quest. When he got there, he went to the merchant, hoping there was better stuff there than in Eston.
"Hi, I'm Luke. Do you have any bows? Mine is kinda bad." Said Luke.
"Of course. We have this elven recurve bow right here; it's 156 gold." The merchant informed Luke.
Luke thought for moment, then said, "I'll take it. Here's 156 gold." The merchant walked away and soon came back with Luke's brand new bow. Next Luke went to the castle. He walked down the pathway and began talking to the steward.
..."Ok."..."Wait, there's three of these things?" Luke exclaimed.
"Yes," said the steward. "Give me your map for a second. I will mark the locations of the Solar Crystal shards for you." So Luke gave the steward his map and waited.
"What is the king offering for finding the Solar Crystal?" Asked Luke.
"Two hundred thousand gold." The steward informed Luke.
"Holy fartkernoppledip!" Yelled Luke. "That's enough to buy the 'Super Expensive Coffee Mug That Nobody Feels Like Saving Up For Because It's So Expensive' coffee mug!"
"Yes, now go on, do whatever, kill some monsters, and safe travels!" Yelled the steward as Luke left the castle.
Luke went into the academy, hoping to learn new skills. It was much bigger than the one in Eston. He found the ranger trainer and said, "Hey. I'm Luke. Can you teach me some archer stuff?"
"Of course," said the trainer. "Today you will be getting some poison and fire arrows. You just put them in your quiver like normal arrows, and when you need to use one, just load it into your bow like a regular arrow."
"Thanks." Said Luke, and headed for the door. But the trainer stopped him.
"Wait, Luke!" She said. "I have this extra wolf whistle. You can have it, if you want."
"Sure." Said Luke. He walked back over to the trainer and took the whistle. Then he left the academy. He walked around, seeing what was to be seen, then headed out to kill more monsters.

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