The Demonstration

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"Here we are, the domain of the colossal spider queen." Said Rasmus. He, Luke and the class had all gathered there for the 'spectacular demonstration' he was talking about.
"Hey, Rasmus?" Luke asked. "Remind me what I'm doing here, it's been so long I don't even remember."
"Luke, you are going to slay the colossal spider queen using only the primal elements. That's fire, ice and lightning." Rasmus informed Luke. "We will lure her into a trap conducted from the pheromone glands, then use the mushrooms to make her weak against the magic."
"Ok, but there's one problem," Luke sighed slowly, looking at the ground. He looked up at Rasmus. "I don't have any magic."
"WHAT!?" Roared Rasmus. "I thought you did! Why didn't you tell me that earlier?"
"I forgot, man, ok! I forgot I was supposed to use magic! Can't you just teach me some now before I fight her?" Yelled Luke. "Plus, I'm an archer, not some stupid Mage!"
The whole class gasped. They all stared at Luke.
"What did you just call me?" Said Rasmus angrily, glaring at Luke. His staff started glowing with magical energies.
"Ok, man, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." Luke said quickly. "Can I still fight her?"
Rasmus stared at Luke for a while. "Fine," he said. "Here, borrow my staff." Rasmus exchanged his staff for Luke's gear, only to swap them back when Luke had slain the spider queen.
Luke walked onto the battlefield. "Ready?" Asked Rasmus from behind him.
Luke turned around. "Ready." He said, nodding his head.
"Very well," announced Rasmus. "Let the demonstration begin!"
The colossal spider that stood before Luke started to run at him. Luke tried to shoot a magic thingy or whatever out of the staff, but he couldn't do it. He ended up just dodging the attack. The spider queen charged again. Luke tried his very hardest, but got trampled in attempt to shoot a magic blast.
"Luke!" Shouted Rasmus."Channel your energy!"
Luke got up, and when the spider queen pounced at Luke, he dodged, and did what Rasmus told him to. He could feel the staff vibrating. Luke had to hold the staff in a death grip to keep it from coming out of his hands. He could feel something inside of him, and suddenly it came out of Luke and went into the staff. Luke pointed the staff at the massive spider, and a mixture of fire, frost and lightning exploded out of the staff. It hit the spider queen, and she roared in pain. Then, she let out an ear splitting screech, so loud that even Hellen Keller could have heard it from ten miles away, and five little spiders came down on five little webs.
"There's more spiders!?" Yelled Luke. He channeled his energy into the staff, aimed in the direction of the smaller spiders, and let loose. The same mixture of fire, frost and lightning shot out of the staff and hit the middle of the circle the little spiders were standing in. A shockwave of energy hit the five spiders, and they were out.
Luke realized he had to stay focused on the queen in order to slay her the fastest. He tried something new. He touched the orb on the staff, and his hand suddenly glowed with magical energies. He made a punching motion with his fist, and the energy that was once in his hand shot out towards the spider queen. It hit the queen, but she shrugged it off.
"Luke!" Yelled Rasmus. "Do the Mega-Blast!"
Luke had no idea what Rasmus was talking about.
Luke assumed that the Mega-Blast was some sort of thing that only the gods could do, but he tried anyway. He took the staff, channeled his energy into it, but felt there was something missing. Suddenly, Luke's eyes started glowing, and uncontrollably said some sort of chant.
"Ooka booga! Ooga ba bana ba!" Chanted Luke, not knowing what he was doing. "Bum ma mum! Bum! Mum!"
"Luke!" Shouted Rasmus. "What on earth are you doing?"
Luke couldn't help but chant more. "Wa wa wa wa wa wow!" He yelled. "A shuway dooway do!" Suddenly, it seemed like all the magical energy in all of Haggerdom had been channeled into the staff. Luke aimed the staff at the spider queen, his eyes still glowing, and a massive ray of fire, lightning, frost and light headed towards the colossal spider. It was so powerful that it burned a hole right through the spider queen, and she toppled to the ground. Luke's eyes stopped glowing and he walked over to the class.
"Luke!" Exclaimed Rasmus. "That was amazing! Where did you learn to do that!"
"I have no idea," said Luke. "Maybe it was the fact that I am AWESOME!"
"Well, I hardly think that's-" Rasmus started. But before he could finish, Luke cut him off.
"So, can I have my stuff back now?" Questioned Luke.
"Of course," answered Rasmus. He took back his staff and gave Luke his gear. "So, class, what have you learned today?"
One of the students raised his hand.
"Yes, Lotharii?" Said Rasmus.
"Well, I learned that the primal elements are wicked cool!" Exclaimed Lotharii.
"Wait, did you just call the primal elements cool?" Asked Rasmus. "Yippee!!"
Luke smiled as he watched Rasmus celebrate. "The primal elements are once again 'cool'." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2016 ⏰

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