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When Luke arrived, he was shocked by how small it was. Eston only had a small academy, a miniature tavern, and a very tiny merchant's shop. It didn't take Luke very long to find the academy, because Eston was so small.
"Welcome to the Eston academy!" Boomed a voice. Luke walked over to the archer trainer and said, "Hi, I'm Luke. Can you teach me some archer skills?"
"Yes," The trainer said. "I will teach you how to make your bow deal extra damage from farther away." And with that, he showed Luke how to do it. Luke was a natural learner, so he got it on his first try.
"Very good," said the trainer. "Safe travels!" He shouted as Luke left the academy.
Luke walked into the merchant's shop. It was pretty small by the way it was set up. Gear was hanging on hooks in the back room. Luke spotted a coffee mug and thought, I need that coffee mug! He looked at the price. 200,000 gold, read the sign. "Fartkernoppledip that coffee mug is expensive!" Luke exclaimed.
"Sir, would you like anything?" Asked he merchant.
"No thanks, just browsing." Answered Luke. He looked around for a little while, then went outside.
Standing in a corner was a member of the militia. "Hello, are you willing to go to a forest and kill some goblins?" He asked.
"Uhh... Sure. What's the pay?" Questioned Luke.
"One hundred gold." Said the man. Luke thought about it, then agreed. But before he left to completely and utterly destroy the goblins, he went into the tavern.
When Luke entered the tavern, he saw a guy who was acting crazy. He was shuddering, so Luke thought maybe he was worried about something.
"Bro, are you ok?" Luke asked with a hint of boredom in his voice.
"A witch... There is a witch living in the forest."
"A witch you say?" Started Luke. "Is there some kind of reward for disposing of this witch?" He asked.
"Probably," the crazy man said. "Just find the witch and I promise you, there will be a reward." So Luke was about to leave town when another man ran up to him and said, "Please, you have to help me!" Luke had had enough of this nonsense, so he replied with, "Dude, stop whining and buy a sword." And with that, Luke went off to kill goblins, find a witch, get rich and maybe even get that expensive coffee mug he really wanted.

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