The Gobwood

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Luke walked to the entrance of the woods. Warning: goblins, it said. He didn't really care about the sign, so he shot it with his bow and went inside.
The moment Luke stepped into the forest, two goblins noticed him and started to run at him. But Luke was quick, and he shot an arrow at each, and then sliced them to bits. That was easy, he thought. What's next?
Luke walked into the next part of the forest. A goblin and a bat saw him and went to attack. Luke shot the bat and had an extremely short knife battle with the goblin. As he walked into the third section of the forest, he didn't see anything. Suddenly, two bats swooped down from the trees. Luke held out his dagger and spun around in a circle. The bats dropped to the floor.
Luke went into the last part of the forest, and there he saw her: the witch.
"Why hello there!" The witch said. "Are you a little lost?"
"A drunk guy told me there might be a witch in these woods." Luke answered.
"A witch you say? Oh my, how terrifying! Please let me know if you find her." Said the witch.
Luke was confused. "Come on. You're obviously the witch he told me about. You need me to help you with anything?" He asked.
"Yes," said the witch. "You have to find an almanac for me. I'm afraid I can't leave the forest without having water thrown on me."
"What's it called?" Luke asked.
The witch recited the title of the book. "Wynter's Almanac of Hexes, Plagues and Barbecue." She said.
"Good. I'm on it." Said Luke while he nodded his head. And with that, he left the forest, still thinking about that one special coffee mug...

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