The Mage Tower: Part Two

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After Luke had collected the pheromone glands from the spiders, he slowly walked back to the Mage Tower with Lichen. When they got back, Luke lead Lichen to the lecture hall, hoping Rasmus was still there. And sure enough, he was. Rasmus looked up and said, "Hello, Luke. Have you found the pheromone glands yet?"
"Well, this thing came off a spider and it smells terrible..." Said Luke.
"Wonderful!" Exclaimed Rasmus. "Here, I'll take it." Luke handed him the pheromone glands and asked what the next task was.
"Well, the next task is to collect some Rustcap mushrooms from the cave up north. You should be able to find them pretty easily, they are all over the place." Explained Rasmus.
Luke nodded. "Ok. How do I get there?"
"Just follow the north trail and you will get there quickly. But be careful, for if you stray too far from the path, you will easily get lost." Warned Rasmus.
"Thanks," said Luke. "I'll be back soon." So he left to get on the north trail, and find the Rustcap mushrooms.
When Luke got to the cave, he found there was a sign in front of it. Warning: Oozes, the sign read. Luke, as usual, didn't care about the sign, so he shot an arrow at it, and Lichen chewed it up like a beaver. He walked into the cave and saw two green piles of living goo. They immediately started sliding across the floor towards Luke. Wow, they are going like 1 centimeter an hour. Thought Luke. He knew his regular arrows wouldn't do anything against the oozes, so he used a fire arrow. It hit the ooze, but went halfway through and stopped, like the ooze was jelly. Suddenly, the flame went off inside the ooze, and Luke could see it, because they were see through. The ooze exploded from the inside, and Luke had to step back to avoid being hit with the goo. The other ooze had only gone about a foot in the time it took Luke to beat the first one. Luke shot a poison arrow at that one. Just like the first ooze, the arrow stopped halfway. Luke couldn't see it, but the poison was slowly desolving the slime. Little by little, the green goo was shrinking. Soon it had been completely obliterated by the arrow.
Luke walked into the next section of the cave. Up next were were two living skeletons and an ooze. And that is why the common goblin is weak to frost, and undead fear flames, Rasmus's voice echoed through Luke's head. Right! Thought Luke. He got out a fire arrow and shot it at one of the skeletons. The arrow passed right through the skeleton, but some of it made contact. The place where the arrow had hit started burning up and soon the skeleton had been destroyed. Next Luke shot a poison arrow at the ooze and a fire arrow at the remaining skeleton. But before he shot the fire arrow, he touched it to his dagger. While the ooze was being desolved by the poison arrow, Luke ran up to it and stabbed it with his temporary fire dagger. The ooze was becoming overheated and soon exploded. Meanwhile, the skeleton too had been overheated by the fire and was slowly melting. Just to make things go a little faster, Luke tried throwing his dagger at the skeleton. It hit dead center, and the skeleton collapsed into a pile of half-melted bones.
Luke retrieved his dagger, which had run out of fire, then walked into the next part of the cave. Lichen was barking, so Luke asked him what was wrong. "What is it, boy?" Said Luke. Lichen looked in the direction of an ooze and a skeleton. How did I not realize them?  Wondered Luke. Whatever. He got out a fire arrow and a poison arrow and shot them at the ooze. They stopped halfway through, just like the other oozes he had fought earlier. The fire and the poison combined, and the ooze inflated like a marshmallow.  Luke stepped back, having accidentally marshmallowed the ooze. Soon the ooze shrunk back to its normal size. Since the fire and the poison caused the ooze to marshmallowify, it had been destroyed.
The skeleton had been shooting arrows at Luke and Lichen, but Luke had been dodging, and Lichen had been catching them sideways in his mouth. Luke was getting tired of his arrows, so he used the skeleton's. These are terrible. Thought Luke. He loaded two into his bow, and fired them at the skeleton. They stuck into its head, and it collapsed.  Luke was wondering if he was missing anything back at the Mage Tower as he walked into the final section of the cave.
There was a man, hoarding mushrooms. Those must be the Rustcap mushrooms Rasmus was talking about! Though Luke. He asked if he could borrow a few.
"No way!" Said the man. "These are mine!"
"C'mon, dude, I just need a few."  Said Luke, trying to convince the man.
"Like I said, no. You can't have any." Responded the man.
Lichen growled at the man.
"Ok, fine," said the man, shivering because of Lichen. "Take as much as you want."
"That's ok, I only need a few." Said Luke. He took some of the mushrooms, then walked with Lichen to the front of the cave. Together they left the cave and headed back to the Mage Tower.

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