The Mage Tower: Part One

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On his way back to the Capital, Luke decided to check his map. Ok, so I'm here, thought Luke. Suddenly he spotted something. The Mage Tower? I guess I'll go check it out.
When he got there, Luke walked inside. It was big, like the castle, but a little smaller. Wait, why was the outside so much smaller? Thought Luke. He walked back outside, did a lap around the tower, then came inside again. "It's bigger on the inside!" He exclaimed. Luke heard a a voice in the distance, sounded like it was coming from the lecture hall. He walked in just to catch the ending of a class.
"And that is why the common goblin is weak to frost, and undead fear flames," said the instructor. "Remember, with the primal elements on your side, nothing can stand in your way."
"Why can't we use unholy magic?" Asked one of the students. "I want to do cool things! Like conjure mummies and stuff."
"I'm afraid wizards cannot do that," said the instructor. "Unholy magic is for necromancers, and our paladin brothers choose the path of holy magic. If we use unholy magic, we will eventually be devoured by evil spirits. I don't think that would be very 'cool'. Do you? Class dismissed." Luke walked up to him as everyone left.
"It seems your students aren't impressed with wizardly skills alone." Luke told him.
"It's true," said the instructor. "Every now and then people go crazy from using unholy magic."
"Maybe I could help with that?" Suggested Luke.
"I was thinking someone could slay a colossal spider queen using only the primal elements." He told Luke.
"Couldn't you think of a plan that's less... Suicidal?" Asked Luke.
"I'm afraid it's the only way to get these students to not convert to dark magic." Said the instructor, frowning.
Luke thought about it, then said, "Ok, I'm in."
"Good. Here is your first task. Go to the Silken Wildwood and collect some pheromone glands from the spiders. Then return here." Said the instructor.
"Kill spiders: affirmative," said Luke. "And can I get your name before I go?"
"Rasmus." He said.
"Ok. Well, Rasmus, I'll be back soon." Said Luke. He left the tower and journeyed to the Silken Wildwood.
Luke took one look at the forest and thought about bailing. But he decided it was worth the adventure. He walked in, then felt something move in his pocket. Luke jumped up in shock, then realized it was just the wolf whistle he had gotten back at the Capital. He blew it, and a wolf appeared. It had a silver pelt, and deep blue eyes. Hmm, what should his name be? Wondered Luke. He looked around for inspiration, then saw that the trees had a plant on them. "Lichen," said Luke, looking at his wolf. "Perfect." He went into the forest to kill the spiders.
Two giant spiders and a goblin awaited him inside. Luke shot a poison arrow at the goblin. It was about to run at Luke, but fell over because it had died. "Lichen, go for that one!" Luke commanded his wolf. Lichen ran over to the left spider and bit it. The spider made a noise and rolled over on its back. Luke had shot an arrow at it, but didn't hit Lichen. He then took a fire arrow and a poison arrow and shot it at the other spider. "Lichen, get back!" Luke yelled. The grey wolf got out of the way just in time to avoid the toxic explosion. The spider had been completely disintegrated by the toxic fumes.
Next up were four goblins. "Lichen, I got this one, buddy." Said Luke. He took two fire arrows from his quiver and shot them at the goblins. The double fire arrows hit the ground and immediately caused an explosion so big that Luke could have gone half a mile away and still see it in he distance. Surprisingly it didn't burn down the whole forest, though. When the smoke cleared, all four of the goblins were lying on the ground, their swords half melted.
When Luke entered the last section of the forest, which was a dead end, he saw a treasure chest. "Lichen, stay back." Luke warned his wolf. He slowly walked over to the chest and opened it. Suddenly three spiders came down on their webs. When they touched the ground, the autumn leaves crinkled. Luke turned around and saw the spiders. Then he got an idea. He took one of his poison arrows and touched it to his dagger. The dagger suddenly glowed green with bubbles quickly appearing and popping. Luke threw it at the spider in the middle. It stuck in its back and the spider collapsed. "Lichen, help out." Luke said, beckoning. Lichen ran over and jumped on one of the spiders. It thrashed about, but Lichen stayed put. The spider suddenly stopped and fell to the ground. The third spider was green, unlike the others, which were purple. Oh, man, it's probably poisonous. Thought Luke. "Lichen, don't bite this one, it's poisonous!" Yelled Luke. The spider shot a glob of green goop at Luke. He dodged, and shot a fire arrow at it. The spider slowly burned to the ground. "Whew, that was tough." Said Luke, exhausted. He looked in the chest, which he never had a chance to, and found 209 gold and a bow. "Swag, a new bow!" Exclaimed Luke. He and Lichen then left the forest and returned to the Mage Tower for part two of the mission.

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